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Gave me a real example of your
送交者: caleb 2008月11月25日06:52:29 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: The problem for many of youYuehanmiao 於 2008-11-25 06:29:59
opinion about this:

you believe and preach:
God is willing to heal you, all depends on your FAITH,
if your FAITH is big enough, you would see the miracle,
you haven't seen the miracle yet, please check your faith
and righteousness, God is willing to heal you,
God is willing to heal you,God is willing to heal you,

I have never said that and the books and articales which I transfered to here never said that.

I could not understand why you guys need to lie and make up fake reasons to accuse other people.
  those who were not healed - Yuehanmiao 11/25/08 (288)
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