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帖子乱窜。重贴给楼下 mean
送交者: 全伊 2008月12月09日14:52:12 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 看楼下关于粉丝的烂仗实在是又可气又可笑,甚至觉得可怜。全伊 于 2008-12-09 11:34:36
I wish your post were not as mean-spirited as your ID would suggest.

You're right that He is the LORD and MASTER. but nothing can be further from the truth. Jesus also wants to be our personal friend and he absolutely wants us to consider Him as such.

What do friends do to each other? Well, I can think of many thingy's that I would do to my friends. Being an advocate, supporting and cheering with great passion for a friend who
is doing what I think is the right thingy would certainly top the list. I presume many folks like
yourself on this forum would agree.

If all you have learned about the Christian God is fear and nothing else, than I would seriously suggest that you re-examine your life and relationship with God once again.
  if I offended you - mean 12/09/08 (160)
  if I offended you - mean 12/09/08 (247)
    Points well taken. - 全伊 12/09/08 (280)
      clarification - mean 12/09/08 (157)
        Fair enough. Like I said - 全伊 12/09/08 (197)
          intimacy. good. - mean 12/09/08 (150)
          and I would more often than ..  /无内容 - 全伊 12/09/08 (130)
          correction: under that - 全伊 12/09/08 (113)
      correction again: - 全伊 12/09/08 (184)
        I recall - mean 12/09/08 (188)
          Agreed. American - 全伊 12/09/08 (140)
      correction: "in your - 全伊 12/09/08 (134)
    有道理~~~~ 应当敬畏神。  /无内容 - 无为 12/09/08 (168)
    鼎!  /无内容 - 柯思炫 12/09/08 (195)
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