I know, this is why I often 开玩笑 here |
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月06月17日07:39:21 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 你的许多观点我都同意 由 阿聿 于 2008-06-17 06:05:27 |
无为 is very lovely,
what I criticized is not himself but a common phenomena in chinese christian churches, in which, brothers and sisters are well educated thus we often prefer to express our own opinion concerning christianity based on whatever we understood instead of the PURE and SOUND DOCTRINES established by the saints with tears and blood during the past 2,000 years plus many years Judisism Concerning our faith, no much room to CREATE anything, thus, we should be humble to accept those crystal clear teachings from Bible and do it accordingly! We MUST be framed within PURE and SOUND DOCTRINES, otherwise, all we want to do is: 1. chick the pastors 2. act as a grey wolf to jump from one church to another 3. leave the church to do anything pleasing us. From CaiHong LunTan, we can see the real phenonema |
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