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the founder was kicked out
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月12月30日19:36:43 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: familyradio是哪个教派的?约书亚12 于 2008-12-30 17:04:08
of church because of what he believed,
as you well know
many people proclaimed to believe in Jesus Christ but have
trouble to offer money to Jesus' church,
that founder promise those folks that
'yes, you don't need to offer too much money
to church, we need much less money than main stream church,
meanwhile, we don't need you to be in presence at any church, most importantly
we provide you with music such as amazing grace, thus, it is a win-win situation,
you need salvation and you don't want to spend time and money in church,
and we preach amazing grace that is not much different from
main stream church, thus, please stay at home to listen to my radio
and offer much less', so they gather a group of people like 无为,
everybody is happy

if you want to know a little bit about this group,
please go to google to search family radio where you found the founder ,
they you search the founder by name, you will find everything
  我还以为无为不去教会是因为和我一样 - 约书亚12 12/30/08 (236)
    I told him to do an - Yuehanmiao 12/31/08 (163)
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