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看到教会的问题,what 问题?
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月15日07:37:38 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 感谢神,对我们每一个人都有他特殊的计划JefferyG 于 2009-01-15 02:35:35
教会的问题 是 : foot too big or shoe too small?
why others couldn't see 教会的问题, but you could see 教会的问题?
because they are dump and you are smart?

Those questions are not set to confront YOU,
inspire ME to think about them.
please don't be mad at ME.

Nowadays 教会 tell US, love here and love there
because God is LOVE, prince of peace gave us peace
and creator gave us blessings,

The matter of fact is LOVE PEACE BLESSING we got are NEVER ENOUGH,
we concluded 是教会的问题!
Jumping around from church to church,
they are all the same, 是教会的问题!
Kicking out a pastor and having a new one,
they are all the same, 是教会的问题!
Staying at home to listen to VOICE of SATAN,
wow, great! that's what it should be.
  撒旦,退去吧! - JefferyG 01/16/09 (264)
    People with average IQ - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (196)
  您还应该问罗七同网: - hebai 01/15/09 (238)
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