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送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月16日07:39:33 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 再往上溯源,欧洲人对犹太人的大屠杀导致犹太复国主义思齐 于 2009-01-16 07:22:18
from man's perspective

because 猶太人 always believe Promised Land is Promised Land,
western christians believe Promised Land is 猶太人's,
猶太人 became RICH enough to buy part (big enough)of the Promised Land,
super powers' ideology has ZERO tolerance to the ideology of 猶太人's
brother and cousin, man can only see the political side,
any talks about the spiritual side are either imaginary or good-willingly.

what role DOES the event play in God's eternal PLAN,
nobody knew!
  Between Kingdom of Heaven - 風影 01/17/09 (249)
  Dear Brother Miao - xiahong 01/16/09 (356)
    Great!Dreamlands vs Promised ! - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (345)
      uh uh - mean 01/16/09 (386)
        Give you a parable, - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (357)
          I just wonder how many - xiahong 01/16/09 (371)
            Please share with us - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (261)
          correction - mean 01/16/09 (277)
  您英语真好. - 约书亚12 01/16/09 (196)
    Amen, - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (387)
      don't kid yourself - mean 01/16/09 (372)
        NOBODY LIKES WAR - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (377)
          i didn't simplify - mean 01/16/09 (396)
            Of course, the same simple - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (404)
              ah, now you are striving for - mean 01/16/09 (440)
                Jing2Ying2 planned - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (437)
                  solid reason? - mean 01/16/09 (425)
                    jing2ying2 means well-educated - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (408)
                      man, you pinyin sucks  /无内容 - mean 01/17/09 (325)
        you 信伊拉克战争一半的原因是石油 - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (218)
        美国人相信 and REALITY - Yuehanmiao 01/16/09 (326)
          你信的更不等于事实.有啥好吵,你说你的对 - candle 01/16/09 (330)
            REALITY is REALITY, - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (328)
              REALITY is REALITY, not - candle 01/17/09 (335)
                You revealed what you are - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (339)
                  I revealed I jumped around ? - candle 01/17/09 (349)
                    if you always tell a lie - Yuehanmiao 01/17/09 (303)
                      我说了,我没有jump around,你却栽赃,你是在 - candle 01/17/09 (308)
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