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奖善罚恶, the KEY is NOUN (ZHUYU)
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月16日08:33:12 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 奖善罚恶也是pagan idea,并不妨碍它成为各宗教的共识思齐 于 2009-01-16 07:34:27
who can and will 奖善罚恶??!!

奖善罚恶, as people's good-willing, the noun became MAN,
time is now (as soon as possible), place is here


the Biblical idea concerning 奖善(God's will)罚恶(ungodly will)
is completely different!
noun is God, the Creator
time is any time according to His Will
place is heaven and hell,
same words different meaning.

reincarnation is people's good will,
because people are willingly to be 100% perfect but they cannot,
the gap between reality and dream
inspired people
to make up this WISH

But Bible taught us differently,
as such,

God created man and woman,
Creator and creature had a deal (they made a covenant)
man sinned (broke the covenant)
man took the consequence (Gen. 2:17)
God started saving a few people and leaving the rest as they must be (Gen 3:15)
man's life has been framed within time and space
Salvation from grace(Jesus' atonement) through faith and judgment based on deeds
Jesus' second coming
all people arise, those redeemed go to haven and those redeemed not go to hell!

there is no room for any good-will such as reincarnation!
you, not only you but also everybody including myself,
need to give up those pagan ideas we had before!
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