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give me the verse and prove it
送交者: mean 2009月01月16日13:05:46 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你能在圣经里找到reincarnation的依据思齐 于 2009-01-16 12:03:11
a reminder though, theology is not founded on pure imagination.

Jesus did not teach independent of the background of the Jewish faith, now did Paul write letters independent of the background of the Jewish religion.

that's why it's so critical to look at the judaism at large, including its beliefs throughout history, rather than taking a verse from the bible and run wild with fantasies, such as that on reincarnation.

trust me, you don't want me to name those who teach these wild fantasies in the name of christian theology.
  这又回到了从前的辩论 - 思齐 01/16/09 (225)
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