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your understanding concerning
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月06月17日12:38:45 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: No. I do, you do not. yours is fatalismnewfaith 于 2008-06-17 11:21:16
predestination is:

God predestine GOOD things
God never predestine BAD things
(here GOOD or BAD based on your
judgment, not Almighty God's standard
which human being never know completely)

My understanding concerning predestination is:
God predestine all things no matter good or bad from our point of view,
all things happen because of God's predestination,
all things happen according to God's predestination.

can we say,
okay, let's wait for the result and do nothing since
everything is predestined, as you reasoned ?
If so, that means you are a FATALIST.

when we say,
God predestine all things,
that means
the predestination include
1. why he predestine it this way instead of other way, (we never know why completely)
2. how he predestine it this way instead of other way, (we don't know how
before happening but became very clear after happening)
3. the result
4. the process
5. human being's action
6. human being's responsibility
7. all aspects
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