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I agree all you said here
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月20日08:55:10 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 您为什么非要把我逼到轮回的阵营里阿?soccerfun 于 2009-01-19 21:36:39
I bet that 'mean' has been trying his best
to help 'SiQi' to give up pagan concepts
that are very harmful to all believers especially new believers.

we are on the same page now
we truly truly believe so.

but how to understand the real meaning,
there are three reasonable options,
1.God made 以利亚 come back with a new flesh
and new name (施洗约翰) miraculously,
with this option, we cannot comprehend the fact
both men had real biological parents since they were
born naturally.
3. 施洗约翰 didn't know too much about himself
but Jesus knew everything about 施洗约翰

I hold option 2.
  在神没有难成的事。 - soccerfun 01/20/09 (232)
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