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You talent never works to me
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月20日11:58:58 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 嘿嘿,你還以為你的犯罪是TALENT?接着打,嘿嘿candle 於 2009-01-20 11:14:22
but my talent that lifts you up to the wall
never fails, I apologizeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
I am a sinner, from time to time, I am tempted
to test whether it still works, I promise,
never never never never forever TRY again.

Please please please forgive me
because God forgave you already.

I know you have money, now you have time too,
please go to a mall to stimulate the economy
instead of doing what you are doing.

To me, nothing,
I am afraid that you damage your health.

Again 89 degree bow to express my wrong-doing
    I am really a sinner - Yuehanmiao 01/20/09 (334)
      得了八,這種壯烈犧牲的把戲您老玩過幾回了, - candle 01/20/09 (280)
  CORR: Again 89 degree bow to e - Yuehanmiao 01/20/09 (256)
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