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I am really a sinner
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月01月20日12:58:41 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 說慌造謠是你的TALENT?你這同性戀可真是臉賽大象皮,厚candle 於 2009-01-20 12:29:30
desperately need God's mercy,

The more odd thing you do , the more happy I have,

Okay, last time, I escape from the temptation of happiness,

I surrender, you won, I lost,

I will shut up,
please show a little mercy on me,
please block my ID.

I will shut up.

By the way, all brothers and sisters,
I apologize to you all who have been offending by me,
a sinner, a wretch. I will never say anything here

so long.

If we have no chance to meet somewhere somehow on earth,
we will meet up there where our Saviour Jesus is,
He REDEEMED all God Father planned before the creation.
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2008: 曾經讀過一本好書:【守住一生的承諾·
2007: 謝謝!分享我的一個夢
2007: ZT 倪柝聲:聖靈的印記
2004: 主啊, 禰是否定覺得孤苦?
2004: 轉帖來自關天茶舍的一個好貼。再試一次