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unmistakable outpouring?
送交者: mean 2008月07月10日08:17:09 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: ZT關於Lakeland復興的批評的神學答覆(1)英文joyking 於 2008-07-10 06:48:29
In today's world, we the Christians are so starved in the SPIRIT, that we are looking to miracles to affirm to our faith. We are not doubting Thomas's but we certainly act like him. What we are really seeing, is an unmistakable outpouring of enthusiasm, but how much of this is from the HOLY SPIRIT?

As we witnessed on TV, how lame people walked, how blind people saw, how deaf people heard, we cannot help but wonder: how much of this is hype, and how much is truth? Justin Peters, who did his thesis on "Benny Hinn", another "healing evangelist" whose "works" have been called into doubt, whose prophecies went unrealized, tried to verify some of the claims where Todd Bentley didn't. And out of the random seven, he found NO, repeat, NO verifiable case of healing. Yet another boardcaster looked up two resurrections, none of which were in fact real. To date, we have NO accoutable evidence to suggest that beyond the "healing party", any of these healed people were, in fact, healed.

How credible are the healings? Well, to be honest, based on the videos I cannot say one way or the other. There are sicknesses and there are sicknesses. Example: most people who are wheelchair bound for 20 years can in fact move around, as long as they don't have to move for long distances. With powerful suggstions it's not unimaginable to move better than usual. The real test is the next morning, the morning after that and then after that. If these people are consistently out of the wheelchair, capable of walking long distances independently, then yes they are healed. Otherwise, whatever happened did exactly squat for their illness. In addition, some who are wheelchair bound can move quite a bit, and by most standards don't even deserve wheelchairs.

What about raising the dead? I have personally seen a patient pronounced dead 3 times in the same day and still didn't die. The only problem? He never woke up and died a few hours later. Death is not as simple as people think it is. Today's medical instruments can keep some people who should have been dead long ago alive for days if not weeks and months. If you think of the body as a machine, it's not hard to see how heart that stopped beating 15 minutes ago starts to beat again. What's the real test here? someone who has no discernable brain waves on EEG, who is able to fully recover his/her mental function after more than 1/2 hour of "death" -- i.e. no pulse, no blood pressure, no breathing effort, no brain stem response, at normal body temperature.

Such case is reportable, in other words, if it happened at all, it will in a credible medical journal. I'm still waiting for that article.
  It’s wasting of time to discuss this. - gems 07/10/08 (274)
    " market share", he he  /無內容 - xiahong 07/10/08 (208)
    同意, - 柯思炫 07/10/08 (219)
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