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送交者: 诚之 2008月07月10日20:51:43 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这里的指控已经到了很低级下流的地步了,好自为之吧joyking 于 2008-07-10 08:21:28

Bentley does not exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit, nor are his doctrines, alleged revelations, and praxis scriptural.

Perverse Elements

Greig ignores the genesis of Lakeland, the fruit in the lives of Bentley’s claimed mentors, and those mentors’ doctrines.

For example, Todd Bentley is a convicted homosexual pedophile imprisoned for molesting a seven-year-old boy, who now professes to have been “born again.” He claims to have had physical visitations from Jesus personally, as well as from a female angel named “Emma.” After supposedly becoming a Christian he had his body covered with a gross array of tattoos. Apart from his criminal history as a convicted homosexual child molester in the days before he says he was a Christian, the histories of sexual immorality and sexual perversion by his mentors are in no sense “pre-Christian.”

Bob Jones was found to be a sexual predator with vulnerable women whom he would have strip naked in order to sexually fondle them, and then would “prophesy over them.” Paul Cain is an alcoholic and homosexual. This deranged soul, described by his pastor Mike Bickel and the late John Wimber as “the best wine saved for last,” has never been anything other than a drunken, homosexual pervert. Yet these publicly proven sexually immoral perverts are Todd Bentley’s extolled heroes and role models.

Greig also preaches regularly at Jack Hayford’s Church on the Way in Van Nuys, California, home congregation of TBN founder Paul Crouch. Crouch was exposed three days running on the front page of the Los Angeles Times for paying $425,000 in hush money in a wrongful dismissal settlement with a secrecy clause containing allegations of Crouch’s homosexuality. The public question remains: Who would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money in a legal settlement involving untrue charges of sexual perversion?

Given his heretical doctrine, unbiblical practices, and the massive collection of tattoos (suggested by many as demonic) with which he covered himself after becoming a Christian, it is not really clear to many believers if Todd Bentley is, or ever was, a regenerate Christian. Particularly since he lacks the fruit of the Spirit, but demonstrates abundant deeds of the flesh. What is legally documented and beyond any dispute, however, is that he is a criminally-convicted homosexual child molester imprisoned for unnatural acts with a small boy. Even if Bentley did indeed become a saved Christian at a later point and his homosexual sex crimes against a seven-year-old happened before he became a Christian, the sexual immorality and perversion of his mentors from Kansas City are certainly not. Rather, they are perversions practiced by supposedly Christian “prophets.”
    我个人不会因他的过去而质疑他。 - 诚之 07/11/08 (207)
      那你可以针对性地提出你自己的看法 - joyking 07/11/08 (209)
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