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a brief conversation
送交者: mean 2008月07月11日11:06:44 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: ZT关于Lakeland复兴的批评的神学答复(1)英文joyking 于 2008-07-10 06:48:29
Melanie said...
Do you believe in healing? Do you believe Jesus when he said you will lay hands on them and they shall recover?

I am involved in the outreach in lakeland on a daily basis and people are getting truly saved and truly healed. Jesus said to people he healed, go and sin no more, least something worse come on you. Do you think if/when people went away and sinned, people got something worse and possibly died. I am not saying this is the case with the Pastor but there are MANY reasons people don't keep their healings. Also, I know from the people that are calling back the people that profess their own healings from this outpouring that a lot of them ARE keeping their healings and Todd is constantly telling them to go to their docs and get medical verification. I don't know if the Pastor was healed or not, all I know is many were sick and in bondage and now they are healed and free. What are you doing to heal the sick, save the lost, and deliver the people in bondage? Let it not be said of me that I layed my hands on someone and just because they weren't healed, I didn't continue to contend for miracles. That's what America needs! And have you heard what the outreach is preaching? Repentance and true conversions! God bless you brother!

Mean said...
Melanie: I can't say I know Bible very well, so please correct me if I am wrong. "Jesus said to people he healed, go and sin no more, least something worse come on you." If I am not mistaken, when JESUS healed someone, he is healed; when JESUS said go and sin no more, he was talking to an adulteress; when JESUS said something worse will come he was referring to casting out the demons. How do that apply here?

If you have seen true healing, then by definition they should last. At least from a medical standpoint. If a cancer is out and gone, physiologically it's impossible for it to grow back in a matter of days. Otherwise the patient might as well go to a surgeon or get some radiation. If not, then what you saw is just people feeling better. And people can feel better after a supportive psychotherapy session.

What is particularly dangerous is the statement that "Let it not be said of me that I laid my hands on someone and just because they weren't healed, I didn't continue to contend for miracles. That's what America needs!" Repentance and true conversions are based on the gospel, the holy truth, not lies. We all know who the father of lies is.
  let it not be said - mean 07/11/08 (140)
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