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let it not be said
送交者: mean 2008月07月11日11:30:38 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: a brief conversationmean 于 2008-07-11 11:06:44
that I reject miracles. if I do, I wouldn't be a christian. but in my mind, a miracle is undeniable and verifiable. a deniable "miracle" is often based on half-truths (as I have eluded to below); and an unverifiable "miracle" is, for the lack of a better word, a blatant lie. I don't think I am in a religion that tolerates lies and half-truths.

that's why I insist these "miracles" be followed up. a false teacher/prophet/miracle worker does either one of three things: either his message is false, OR his fruit of the SPIRIT is, OR his miracles/prophecies are. only one prophecy ever went unfulfilled in the bible, that of jonah, and that's because of the unexpected mass conversion of the people of nineveh. for todd bentley and those before him, they meet either one or the other criteria.

I don't doubt that GOD can still work through all of Satan's traps and lies, but I don't think it's healthy to endorse it. GOD gave us critical thinking, let's use it.
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