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送交者: 诚之 2008月07月18日12:02:29 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我想说什么呢?我已经很长一段时间没有再江湖醉人 于 2008-07-18 11:41:38

Tim Keller , The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

Introduction – All doubts are leaps of faith

PART 1 - The Leap of Doubt
1. There can’t be just one true religion.
2. A good God could not allow suffering.
3. Christianity is a straitjacket.
4. The church is responsible for so much injustice.
5. A loving God would not send people to hell.
6. Science has disproved Christianity.
7. You can’t take the Bible literally.

PART 2 - The Grounds for Faith

8. The clues of God
9. The knowledge of God
10. The problem of sin
11. Religion and the gospel
12. The (true) story of the cross
13. The reality of the resurrection
14. The Dance of God

Epilogue – Where do we go from here?
  嗯,看了一下书目,说实话,不敢恭维 - 江湖醉人 07/18/08 (366)
    只是刺激你一下,看是不是有哪些题目你有兴趣。  /无内容 - 诚之 07/18/08 (269)
      建议题目:罪,审判,悔改,信耶稣  /无内容 - 罗七 07/18/08 (254)
    May I introduce u to another book then? - gems 07/18/08 (351)
      这本书从书目上来看,比上面那本要好。但是, - 江湖醉人 07/18/08 (332)
        Actually this book is an answer for another book. - gems 07/18/08 (245)
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