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送交者: 誠之 2008月07月18日12:02:29 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我想說什麼呢?我已經很長一段時間沒有再江湖醉人 於 2008-07-18 11:41:38

Tim Keller , The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

Introduction – All doubts are leaps of faith

PART 1 - The Leap of Doubt
1. There can’t be just one true religion.
2. A good God could not allow suffering.
3. Christianity is a straitjacket.
4. The church is responsible for so much injustice.
5. A loving God would not send people to hell.
6. Science has disproved Christianity.
7. You can’t take the Bible literally.

PART 2 - The Grounds for Faith

8. The clues of God
9. The knowledge of God
10. The problem of sin
11. Religion and the gospel
12. The (true) story of the cross
13. The reality of the resurrection
14. The Dance of God

Epilogue – Where do we go from here?
  嗯,看了一下書目,說實話,不敢恭維 - 江湖醉人 07/18/08 (366)
    只是刺激你一下,看是不是有哪些題目你有興趣。  /無內容 - 誠之 07/18/08 (269)
      建議題目:罪,審判,悔改,信耶穌  /無內容 - 羅七 07/18/08 (254)
    May I introduce u to another book then? - gems 07/18/08 (351)
      這本書從書目上來看,比上面那本要好。但是, - 江湖醉人 07/18/08 (332)
        Actually this book is an answer for another book. - gems 07/18/08 (245)
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2006: 網友討論:如何在實際生活中明白神的旨
2006: 網友討論:大衛抱童女的事
2005: 馬丁路德:怎樣做研究
2005: 默歌:數字化生存時代的網絡事工
2004: 基督徒是否應該攢錢
2003: 兩位”坐花轎進天堂”的弟兄
2003: 「天必大有響聲廢去。」(彼得後書3章10