人的四种状况: (1) able to sin, able not to sin (posse peccare, posse non peccare);(Adam & eve before the Fall)
(2) not able not to sin (non posse non peccare); (All of humanity after the Fall)
(3) able not to sin (posse non peccare)(Authentic Christians now); and
(4) unable to sin (non posse peccare) (in Heaven, new heaven and new earth)
争论的关键在第二个阶段:人是否还保有自由意志,可以行讨神喜悦的事? 还是如奥古斯丁和改教家(路德,加尔文等,以及后来的清教徒神学家,如欧文)所认为的,人是全面败坏的,如果没有神重生的恩典(救赎的恩典),就没有办法信靠神所提供的耶稣基督,作他的主。