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送交者: 從上而生 2020月06月18日21:10:29 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 離開基督談神預定揀選人? 做夢。基督才是預定揀選的前提和主體repentant 於 2020-06-18 20:27:42



When Paul says that God chose us “in him” (ἐν αὐτῷ), he is referring to Christ’s participation in God’s act of choosing (哪裡離開了基督?). Just as Christ was involved with the Father in the creation of the world (“by him all things were created”; Col 1:16; see also John 1:3), so also Christ participated with the Father in choosing people for himself.

Because this sovereign and gracious act took place “before the foundation of the world,” the text therefore implicitly teaches the preexistence of Christ. God’s choosing took place in eternity past. John uses the same expression (πρὸ καταβολῆς κόσμου) to speak of the love of the Father for the Son prior to his creation of the universe (John 17:24). Peter uses it to describe God’s foreknowledge of how he would save the world through his Son (1 Pet 1:20).

The idea of God choosing a people for himself in eternity past is taught elsewhere in the Bible. The psalmist prays that God will “remember the people you purchased long ago (ἀπʼ ἀρχῆς)” (Ps 74:2 TNIV [73:2 LXX]). The Greek prepositional phrase could be rendered, “from the beginning of time”; the corresponding Hebrew expression (qedem) is best rendered, “from prehistoric times.” 揀選的作為在創世以前就已經完成了,因為神要成就的——預定揀選的人得救那人就必定得救無法抗拒,因為救恩本身就是神獨力的作為(monogism)


 Arnold, C. E. (2010). Ephesians (pp. 80–81). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

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