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Christocentric is a doctrinal
送交者: repentant 2020月06月25日22:07:52 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 以父為立論起點的神學必然導致偏頗。repentant 於 2020-06-24 10:00:43

Christocentric is a doctrinal term within Christianity, describing theological positions that focus on Jesus Christ, the second person of the Christian Trinity, in relation to the Godhead/God the Father (theocentric) or the Holy Spirit (pneumocentric). Christocentric theologies make Christ the central theme about which all other theological positions/doctrines are oriented.

Certain theological traditions within the Christian Church can be described as more heavily Christocentric. Notably, the teachings of Augustine of Hippo and Paul of Tarsus, which have been very influential in the West, place a great emphasis on the person of Jesus in the process of salvation.

For instance, in Reformation theology, the Lutheran tradition is seen as more theologically Christocentric, as it places its doctrine of justification by grace, which is primarily a Christological doctrine, at the center of its thought. Meanwhile, the Calvinist/Reformed tradition is seen as more theologically theocentric, as it places its doctrine of the sovereignty of God ("the Father") at the center.


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