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送交者: 軟弱 2020月08月21日10:38:49 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 新冠肺炎高危病人死亡率可以是0.7%雪梅 於 2020-08-16 18:47:21


What is the probability of Dr. Stella Immanuel’s claim of no death in the 350 Covid-19 Patients? 

Dr Stella Immanuel Is Not One Of Us" Nigerians Deny Association ...

Dr. Stella Immanuel claimed that she treated 350 COVID-19 patients with HCQ. None of them died. 

Based on the US COVID-19 death rate of 3.3%, the probability that none of Dr. Stella’s 350 patients died is 96.7%^350=0.00079%. The estimated death rate is 0% with 95% CI (0%, 1%). 

Using all US COVID-19 patients as a control group (as of Aug 5, 2020, there are 4,882,908 patients and 159,629 deaths) and Dr. Stella Immanuel’s patients as a treatment group, the p value of Fisher’s exact test is <0.0001.

Dr. Immanuel’s treatment is statistically significantly better.

There should be electronic medical records for Dr. Stella Immanuel’s patients. We should be able to verify her claim. If she can provide medical records with her patients’ age, medical history, etc, we can provide a better assessment.

Why Facebook, YouTube and Twitter removed Dr. Immanuel’s video about her method of treating Covid-19 patients?

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