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送交者: oldfish 2020月12月14日23:26:54 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 基督被造当然是异端!repentant 于 2020-12-14 23:24:46

亚他那修 《尼西亚信经护文(A Defence of the Nicene Creed)》

《尼西亚信经护文(A Defence of the Nicene Creed)》



for it is true to say that the Son was created too, but this took place when He became man; for creation belongs to man。。。but we must interpret it by that flesh which He bore for our sakes; 。。。so on His becoming man, the words befitted Him, The Lord created Me. 。。。The Lord created, and Servant, and He suffered, we shall justly ascribe this, not to the Godhead, for it is irrelevant, but we must interpret it by that flesh which He bore for our sakes; 。。。that the Word was made flesh in order to offer up this body for all, and that we, partaking of His Spirit, might be made gods, a gift which we could not otherwise have gained than by His clothing Himself in our created body.

  标题是异端。懂吗? - repentant 12/15/20 (86)
    亞他那修是不是異端啊?告訴大家  /无内容 - oldfish 12/15/20 (75)
      不了解。他的错误我已批了。  /无内容 - repentant 12/15/20 (67)
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