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送交者: 謹守 2024月01月08日12:04:54 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 死徒瞎哄曾問:Beeke是哪根蔥?宣曰:大蔥☝️謹守 於 2024-01-08 12:03:03
Beeke: 三位一體、教義、真理、福音、得救
送交者: 謹守 2024年01月06日12:12:51 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

Although the word trinity does not appear in the Bible, the basic doctrine may be summarized in a series of short propositions taught in God’s Word. There is one God. The Father is God. The Son is God. The Holy Spirit is God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three persons. The Father is the Father of the Son. The Son is the Son of the Father. The Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and the Son. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one God. Though the full systematic theology of the Trinity contains more than these statements, they show us the simple and core truths of this fundamental church doctrine.



Though difficult to grasp and impossible to fully comprehend, the Trinity is central to Christian doctrine, worship, and life. Without the doctrine of the Trinity, we have no gospel. William Perkins said that “it is not sufficient to salvation” to have a vague or unbiblical view of God; to be saved, “we must hold and believe that God the Father is our Father, the Son our Redeemer, the Holy Ghost our Sanctifier and Comforter.”[1]

以掌握且不可能完全理解,但三位一體是基督教教義、敬拜和生活的核心。有三位一體的教義,我有福音。威廉·珀金斯(William Perkins神只有模糊或不符合聖經看法不足以得救”;要得救,“我須堅相信父是我的父,子是我的救主,聖靈是我的成者和保惠。”


[1] Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley, Reformed Systematic Theology: Revelation and God, vol. 1 (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2019), 877.



  尋人啟事:請污老N胡翻譯到此跟大蔥Beeke對怒一些🙏  /無內容 - 謹守 01/07/24 (2314)
  尋人啟事:污老N張保羅胡翻譯的老我還健在嗎?  /無內容 - 謹守 01/07/24 (2496)
  為什麼樓主每天都爽歪歪?😂  /無內容 - 謹守 01/06/24 (5976)
  死徒瞎哄曾問:Beeke是哪根蔥?宣曰:大蔥☝️  /無內容 - 謹守 01/06/24 (5980)
  污老N要是腳底沒有西瓜皮,怕是要滿地找牙了😂  /無內容 - 謹守 01/06/24 (5996)
  要得救,“我們必須堅守並相信“三位一體☝️  /無內容 - 謹守 01/06/24 (5990)
  沒有三位一體的教義,我們就沒有福音。  /無內容 - 謹守 01/06/24 (6004)
  大V的大耳光把污老N打得兩眼冒金星啊😂  /無內容 - 謹守 01/06/24 (5989)

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