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好文!The author had
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月06日05:46:41 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 为什么神要剥夺销毁完全、正直的约伯?theson 于 2009-05-05 19:21:58
a great imaginary SENSE.

A general question:
Is it possible for a great saint to see more than
God planned to tell ordinary people?
in another word,
ordinary people really need what he can never see or understand?

I heard a scholar explained Job's story, in my opinion,
it sounds great. he said, other books in old testament
ALWAYS teach God's people that
do what God told you AND do not what God told you not to be blessed
do not what God told you AND do what God told you not to be cursed
these are the natural laws,
Job's story is against the natural law,
it teaches God's people human beings are very limited
and it is impossible for them to know everything.

Job did what he should, following the natural law, he got blessed before and after.
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