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换教会 or 换 anything else if poss
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月13日06:39:32 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 实在不行换家教会,象老苗这样一家呆死的,瞧那表现candle 于 2009-05-12 17:14:29
if possible, to me, it is always OKAY,
my POINT is: the person who 换 anything HAD BETTER know
what he is doing.

for example, 换教会
I strongly ENCOURAGE anybody do it as soon as possible
if he feels uncomfortable at current church, it is beneficial
to himself and to others, after all, on earth all churches of
Jesus Christ belong to Jesus Christ.
At the same time, I must tell the person who 换教会,
1. on earth all churches of Jesus Christ should do the same things,
as the wife of my pastor summarized the other day, two kids of FRUITS
马太福音 28:18 耶稣进前来,对他们说,天上,地下所有的权柄,都赐给我了。
as such, don't expect that the NEW church would be much better than the old one,
if you don't change yourself, you are going to be disappointed or despaired before long.
2. you PROMISED to grow with others under the grace of God when you joined that church by your FREE will, now, you abandoned others for your BENEFIT, you broke your own PROMISE
3. next time, when you join a new church, please MAKE your PROMISE with your FREE WILL for REAL
4. may Gog bless you at a new church
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