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something abnormal
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月14日06:31:08 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: “一個多麼美麗的故事啊”- 人是如此當上神父的;beiqian 於 2009-05-14 01:37:36
when I read your post, 標 題 (必選項): automatically give the following
words, what's wrong?

''謝謝你讓我發現,我一沒愛心,二沒耐心deal with u''

below is what I wrote:

To be a 神父 is not easy, but, I admire them very much,
truly truly I believe most of them are holy persons.
in Geneva, I met one on his way to a wedding ceremony
and he introduced father Peter, a old missionary to India.
My pastor's cousin tried to be a 神父 at a special school
for a few years, later came back.

Your concern is : 神父 or Monk are similar?
  Monk and Priest are similar - gems 05/14/09 (365)
    Thanks, I read it.  /無內容 - Yuehanmiao 05/15/09 (189)
    天主教的 99% 一樣 - Yuehanmiao 05/14/09 (401)
      I don't have muchcommon ground - j9 05/14/09 (249)
        a few years ago, Ilisten to - Yuehanmiao 05/15/09 (201)
      老苗,同意你的1%man-made說,嘻嘻  /無內容 - 天嬰 05/14/09 (237)
  nothing was wrong, 那是我射出的毒箭, - 天嬰 05/14/09 (280)
    I should be more cautious - Yuehanmiao 05/14/09 (309)
      哈哈,have a good weekend!  /無內容 - 天嬰 05/14/09 (289)
標  題 (必選項):
內  容 (選填項):
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