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送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月07月25日11:54:57 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 盼望你也同樣去了解加爾文。你對他的誤解誠之 於 2008-07-25 11:37:34
天嬰 never changes her female-literature-youth-characteristics,

a few examples:

in her book titled Liu2 Lei4 Gu3, she blamed a pastor who refused
to marry an already-slept-couple,

her mother understands Bible a little better than Rev. Tang does,

her sharing concerning feminism and the pioneer-Mary

her sharing after that movie- broken mountain,

her sharing after Rome visiting

almost everything reflects her lovely female-literature-youth characteristics
  問個問題,你怎麽記性超好 - 天嬰 07/25/08 (267)
    Finally you got this - Yuehanmiao 07/25/08 (277)
      so?nobody cares what you think  /無內容 - 天嬰 07/25/08 (236)
        if so, it turns out - Yuehanmiao 07/25/08 (277)
          文學男青年的說?嘿嘿  /無內容 - 天嬰 07/25/08 (188)
  so? /無內容 - 天嬰 07/25/08 (266)
    good, I view it in a very - Yuehanmiao 07/25/08 (226)
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