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My answer
送交者: 天婴 2008月07月30日13:29:00 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: it is a year ago right?1314 于 2008-07-30 12:57:30
Actually, I am not interested in anwering any questions, as the experience is personal. I have no intention to give it with some universal value.Respectively, I would like to answer your question in order to stimulate your thinking...

My answers:
Do you still feel the love from Jesus after one year?

"You had it before your visit to the Loyala House. But it faded. Why do you think it would fade? I am talking about the "feeling" of being loved. This may be the key to the saying: the feeling is not reliable, we can not depend on it."
Disciple Thomas touched, felt Jesus' wounds, and witnessed Jesus' resurrection. The impact lasts for his life time. Should I continue my list? Abraham, Jesus, Pual, Peter....:)
  你心中还是有座墙啊 /无内容 - enyang 07/31/08 (278)
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