是否應該把關注/救援/接受敘利亞的基督徒難民放到首位?yes or no,理由呢? |
送交者: beiqian 2015年11月27日00:15:43 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話 |
Should Syria's Christian refugees be favoured?
此文章的作者給出了一個論據和他的結論: Over the weekend in Mali,the terror travelogue,which took Timbuktu in the north of the country a few years back,touched down in the southern city of Barnako. After storming the Radission Blu hotel,the jihadists went right ahead and named it. Those hostages who could recite verses from the Koran were allowed to go;those who could not,were not. Nineteen were killed in all. Amongst the guests at the Barnako Radisson last week,the Christians were in greater need of refuge than the Muslims when the terrorists arrived. If that's true in luxury hotels in Mali, it is even more true in the territories controlled by ISIL. ......。那些可以背誦可蘭經經文的人質被允許離去,那些不能背誦的人質則不被允許。最後,共有十九名人質被殺害。 ......。很明顯,生活在被ISIL控制的地區基督徒,與會背誦可蘭經的穆斯林群體相比,他們不是處於更加危險的境況嗎? 【如同在其它的社會議題上一樣,這一次,與catholic church相比,(先不要提我們應該做些什麼),evangelical church是否至少應該說點什麼嗎?無論你同意或不同意,為什麼?理由呢? 還記得曾經的問題:您的教會處於患難之中了嗎?如有,那是怎樣的患難呢?】 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
可不可以在公共場合唱基督信仰的歌? http://bbs.creaders.net/rainbow/bbsviewer.php?trd_id=1107047 |
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