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今天的 hearing 和 results r crucial
送交者: beiqian2016 2018年09月28日02:25:04 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

Today’s Senate hearing and the results of Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation process are crucial.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford are set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee today.

One reason Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is so critical is that it could change the ideological balance of the Court. For many years, there have essentially been four liberal justices, four conservatives, and a swing vote (Anthony Kennedy). If Judge Kavanaugh replaces Justice Kennedy, the resulting five-to-four conservative majority could control the Court for fifteen years or more.

The status of abortion rights, religious liberty, and a host of other issues could be affected.

The Senate judiciary committee plans to hold a vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination on Friday morning.


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