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送交者: amyc 2009年05月01日07:36:59 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
Have You Had Abortion? (posted two days ago) Should I not be surpsired that no one comment on it. There has been silence on this topic, among the mainland or overseas Chinese. Or English is not easy to read as Chinese. If so, may God lay it upon a brother or sister to translate them so that more hearts could be touched, softened, and horrified as mine was. No surprise that Dr. Nie has titled his book: Behind the Silence: Chinese Voices on Abortion God, send your wind(spirit) and break through the silence.
  You should not feel surprised - gems 05/01/09 (250)
  WHY silent? - guomingjie 05/01/09 (289)
    最後一段不敢苟同 - hebai 05/01/09 (247)
      first thing first - guomingjie 05/02/09 (242)
  Good point - CF1996 05/01/09 (260)
    this society is beyond hope - mean 05/01/09 (174)
  This might be chaleng to - hidme 05/01/09 (296)
      1萬多拜的英文 is water-boarding 你的讀者 - a_Peter 05/01/09 (204)
    challenge(sorry)  /無內容 - hidme 05/01/09 (193)
      both English and the topics - hidme 05/01/09 (192)
      both English and the topics - hidme 05/01/09 (176)
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