温故知新,重贴救赎之约 (不要当复读机) | ||
送交者: 追求永生 2019年02月07日12:17:15 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 | ||
新年本应新气象,不过彩虹之约有例外,每天都见到复读机式的喋喋不休。坚持错误的,估计是以为谎言重复千遍变成真理,以至于重复刷版;即使正确,也没有必要唠唠叨叨吧?况且,你立志当复读机,可是又没有复读机那种准确度,难免话多语失,岂不事与愿违? 近来三位一体救赎,甚至在一个人得救上是否三个位格同时做工,成了热点。这个看似合理的问题,实际是一个混乱的提法。三位说的三个位格各自不同,不能混淆;一体是说本质属性一致,不能矛盾。他们的目的一致,尤其是救赎上,绝不会有分歧,更不会互相唱反调。但是你如果认为他们做的事情一样,就是彻底违反了圣经所启示的真理。最明显的一条,就是主耶稣道成肉身十字架受死,而不是父神,也不是圣灵。神的三个位格,体现的是神的全然智慧,不同的位格做不同的工作,实现一致的目标,而不是干什么事情三个位格一起上,人多力量大。 希望感兴趣的朋友认真看看下面这个六年前的贴文。六年时间不短,那些醉生梦死的世人再大的事情也忘掉了。但是,有信仰的人应该如此吗?我们的信仰,包括主要内容,都应该是永恒不变的,平日所言,都要一致,而不是信马由缰、天马行空想到哪里说到哪里。顺便祝各位弟兄姊妹新春愉快,不荒度神给我们的每一寸光阴。 =========以上是今天的有感而发,下面是转贴救赎之约原文============== 原帖所载之处:[彩虹之约]追求永生:圣约中的救赎之约 (著:亚历山德.派登 译:追求永生) 2013-10-09 18:51:31 圣约中的救赎之约 (著:亚历山德•派登 译:追求永生)
本圣约规定,耶稣自己是这个约的主体内容。这些内容包括对耶稣的约责要求:他必须承担保证圣约实现的责任;他必须圆满履行所有律法的要求;他必须承受苦难成为赎罪祭;他必须把神的儿女都引导归主;他必须使这些归于他的人良言善行得以完全;他必须使他们在耶稣的完全里从恩典中得到恩典;他必须在天庭代表这些得救的男女成人和孩童;他必须保证这些人没有一个失落;他必须把他们在末日全部复活;最后,他必须把这些天父的孩子全部背负到天庭。 为此,圣约的另一方,神圣的天地之主,就对基督也承负不可违背的相应责任。这些责任包括:他必须遣送所有被他拣选者临到世间;他必须把他们都交托到基督的手里;他必须使基督经历在履行这些托付中所遇到的各种情况;最后,他必须用手托住基督。与此同时,他还必须派遣圣灵,也就是这位与天父和基督同等者,临到世间,作为履行这项伟大使命的同工以及荣耀他的这项无与伦比的救赎计划;他必须使圣灵用关于三位一体的真知光照这些蒙拣选出世界之众人的心念,让他们认知自己失丧的状态;他必须通过激励使他们能够接受和认同天地之主无偿的爱之邀约;他必须在他们所有的试炼和苦难中给予支持和安慰,特别是为了那些为了我们名的缘故而受逼迫者;他必须使他们成为圣洁,包括身体和灵魂,以至于成为合用的仆人,与我们同在,并为我们这个神圣计划中的无偿恩典高歌颂赞,直到永远。 同样,这位高贵的天地之主用他圣约的恩典和荣耀以及他所成就的一切美好激励众人使他们接受他为众人的主,并作他们的王和他们的神。非但如此,他还允许约中的耶稣基督通过他的仆人向世人宣告,凡是奉他的名和他同在的人,他都会给予崇高的报偿,既有今时立刻交付的礼物,又有丰厚的永恒产业。 同时确证的是,所有那些不接受这个救恩的人,因为同样的原因,必然为他们的骄傲和叛逆,被认定有罪,并承受魔鬼带来的诸般折磨和永远的责罚。这些都是为了神公义的荣耀,从今时直到永远。 特此见证,他认承这些礼物,这些都与圣经中所记录的相同,并把他们留传到子孙后代。自天国时间某年某月某日,这个神圣合约将永远存留在古老而永恒的史册之中。
I recommend these views, thoughts and notes upon the Covenant of Redemption, as the extract of God's love, that in crosses and out of crosses ye may rejoice. BE it known to all men, that, in the presence of the Ancient of Days, it was finally contracted, and unanimously agreed, betwixt these honourable and royal persons in the God-head, to wit, the great and infinite Lord of Heaven and earth, on the one side; and Jesus Christ, God-man, his eternal and undoubted heir, on the other side, in manner, form and effect, as follows; That forasmuch as the Lord Jesus Christ is content and obliges himself to become surety, and to fulfil the whole law; and that he shall suffer and become an offering for sin, and take the guiding [management] of all the children of God on him, and make them perfect in every good word and work; and that of his fulness they shall all receive grace for grace; and also present them, man, wife and bairns, on Heaven's floor, and lose none of them; and that he shall raise them up at the last day, and come in on Heaven's floor with all the bairns at his back: therefore, the noble Lord of Heaven and earth, on the other side, binds and obliges himself to Christ, to send all the Elect into the world, and to deliver them all fairly to Christ; and also to give him a body, flesh of their flesh and bone of their bone; and to carry Christ through in all his undertaking in that work, and to hold him by the hand: and also, let the Holy Ghost, who is our equal, go forth into the world, that he may be sharer in this great work, and also of the glory of this noble contrivance; and let him enlighten the minds of all those whom we have chosen out of the world, in the knowledge of our name; and to convince them of their lost state; and perswade and enable them to embrace and accept of his free love offer; and to support and comfort them in all their trials and tribulations, especially these for our name's sake; and to sanctifie them, soul and body, and make them fit for serving us, and dwelling with us, and singing forth the praises of the riches of our free grace in this noble contrivance, for ever and ever. Likewise, the same noble Lord of Heaven and earth doth fully covenant grace and glory, and all good things, to as many as shall be perswaded and enabled to accept and embrace you, as their Lord, King and God: and moreover, he allows the said Jesus Christ to make proclamations by his servants, to the world in his name, that all that will come and engage under his colours, he shall give them noble pay in hand for the present, and a rich inheritance for ever; with certification, that all those who will not accept of this offer, for the same cause, shall be guilty and eternally condemned from our presence, and tormented with these devils, whom we cast out from us, for their pride and rebellion, for the glory of our justice, through eternity. In testimony whereof, he subscribes thir [these] presents, and is content the same be registrate in the Books of Holy Scripture, to be kept on record to future generations. Dated at the throne of Heaven, in the ancient records of eternity. |
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