It is indeed hard to udnerstand Isaiah. Not much we can say about this chapter. It seems The Lord has stripped of all my reasoning and the intention to understand what's going on inside the prophecy here. I am ensconced here to enjoy the words of the Lord, to feel the pulse that has pulsated Isaiah's blood, to observe how miserable and barren it would be without God's blessing.
The passage has its charm in it, but it is beyond my understanding and faculty to divine what it is. It says something, but it does not have a specific counterpart that we can pinpoint or identify, but it is my belief that someone in some opportune situation God will deliver comfort, strength, courage to. It is there, in the Bible, and may be engraved in the fabric of our memory somewhere. It will come to its service one day some day when we need it.
The last paragraph depicts that a highway between Egypt and Assyria will be built and people from two states will come across. They will worship together, and then Isreal will be the third. The Lord Almighty will bless the entire earth, Egypt, Assyria, and Isreal.
What do my people, my handiwork, my inheritance symbolize?