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My rebuttal and reply to Brother 周土人
送交者: xinmin 2005年05月27日06:34:49 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

首先,什么是得救?得救包括两个方面,悔改和信心 (Repentance and Faith) 。悔改是人对罪的认识,罪首先是得罪了神。第二,人对罪完全是无能为力的。信心是对基督的认识,相信基督的恩典完全地解决了罪的问题。

What does it mean to be saved? We are saved FROM the eternal destruction and saved FOR (or UNTO) the eternal life. That is one simple way of putting it. Alternatively, with respect to SIN, the bible teaches that we are saved from the PENALTY of SIN, the POWER of SIN,and ultimately the PRESENCE of SIN.

Repentence is our requisite human behavioral response to God's call of salvation. Faith is the "ticket" by which we are credited with the righteousness of Christ.

I agree that human depravity is beyond self-actualized salvation. But once God awakes us up from being dead in sin and pulls up from the edge of turbulent whirlpool of sin, we must be grateful to give him the thumb up and the hand of faith to comply with his election.


Precisely what I intend to say. That is a sorrowful mistake made by many who misunderstand the bible. My point was to expose the fallacy there. But I continue to expose more fallacy in our misunderstanding of dynamic faith. Our faith is not merely a moment event, but a lifelong process of pilgrim journey.


We who walk in faith still stumble. But God pulls us up and we continue on. But, for those apostates who ultimately reject Christ (or Calvinists may brand them as never really saved in the first place), they will refuse to walk on the path of righteousness and they will make themselves a fool of the devil and perish.


We need not go hypothetical here. Just use pastor Wang Mingdao as a relevant example. After he signed the coerced confession, he walked out of the prison. But very soon he was convicted by the holy spirit and he surrendered to both God and the authority. He repented of his failing in faith and came back in good faith, enduring many years in prison. He was such a lovely brother! Good example of real people suffering for Christ. God bless him!

To say that "圣灵也随着你的决定,心情,和选择,一会儿离开你,一会儿又内驻到你身上!请问这可能吗?" is a feeable human attempt to personify the work of the holy spirit. The holy spirit is God, he is all-present, regardless of our taste. On one hand, the holy spirit chooses to dwell in and help all those who are predestined to be saved. On the other hand, the holy spirit chooses to condescend onto the sinners to convict them of their wickedness and sin. For those believers, the holy spirit can grieve if we fail to observe his gentle prompting.


This is a rhetoric line that I shall ignore for a moment. But only for a moment. How can we assure our 一直 faith (continuing/unfailing faith)? What does the bible say? God is our ultimate guarantor, period. I am not to disagree to this, but to point out that we must continue to respond in faith. Do not minimize the human side of our faith.


See Pastor Wang Mingdao's example above.

彼得不就是个例子吗? You bet! I know fully well.

不要把人不能抗的扼加在人的头上。 You see, while no one shall add any unneeded yoke, other than his taking up his own cross, it is interesting to note that any mention of human responsibility will irk those who seemingly are against any human responsibility. That is sad!


To say that we are robotic responders to God's grace is unbiblical at all. We must strive to work out our own salvation. We must continue in faith, in full cooperation with and obedience to the holy spirit. We can never undermine the human aspect.


Again, you failed to read our other posts. God's sovereignty admantly demands that we must respond in faith per God-given freewill. To minimize human freewill is to undermine God's sovereignty, for God decrees our freewill. That is a key point you missed.


Not so pessimistic. I am more hopeful. The world is more tolerant than the century of Jacobus Arminius, when Arminianists could risk their heads for debating against Calvinism. Then was a sad and dark time. No more!

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