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Link:“技术”层面上讨论预定-Dr Lane Craig
送交者: strangers 2018年02月18日19:13:11 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

上帝的forth knowledge 和人的自由意志free will

Not sure, if someone has already posted these old videos. To fuel your discussion,  

How Could God Know The Future? (Part 1 of 2) (William Lane Craig ...

How Could God Know the Future? - Robert Lawrence Kuhn (part 2 ... 

没有时间的,可以从part 2开始,但是最好听一下part 1。Dr. Lane Craig 在part 1介绍时间这个概念,他的论述,是我听过讲得比较简单明瞭的。(Dr Craig holds the view that with the Creation, God is in time, of which some may find very uncomfortable. His argument for it and more detailed while also more conceptual discussion of time can be found in the complete video listed below)

part 2,他介绍了四种可能  - possibilities/models.

Between Part 1 and Part 2, 大家可自行对号入座 or mix the positions: )

Dr. Craig特别提到了 John Calvin – possibility #1 of Part 2,

youtube上有加尔文派反驳他的视频, 没有听完,就不提供link,欢迎改革宗教友补充。



1. Dr William Craig Lane is not Catholic, while he is in favor of the so called "middle knowledge" possibility.

2. 转贴,仅供参考,不代表个人看法

p.s. 这段视频取之于PBS对他的一个采访:

The Thoughts of William Lane Craig - YouTube

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