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生字 Vocabulary



1.1.1.  Without knowledge of self there is no knowledge of God


p. 1

Sound (adj.) (wisdom)            正确的,稳固的(智慧)

Bond(s)                                   连接

Discern                                    判断

Contemplation                        默想

Endow(ed)                              赐予,天赋

Being                                      存有

Subsistence                             存在

Rivulet                                    小溪

Infinitude                                无限性


p. 2

Repose(d)                                稳固地存在

Thence                                    从那里

Veritable                                 真的

Despoil(ed)                             玷污

Raiment                                  衣裳

Horde                                      许多

Infamy, infamies                     醜闻

Attain                                      达到,获得

Vanity                                     虚妄,虚荣

Infirmity                                  软弱

Depravity                                堕落

Corruption                              败坏

Ill(s) (n.)                                  缺点,坏处

Aspire                                     追求

Unmindful (adj.)                     不想到

Arouse                                    刺激



1.1.2.  Without knowledge of God there is no knowledge of self  


p. 3

Scrutinize                                审查

Innate                                      与生俱来

Proof(s)                                   证据,论证

Foulness                                  污秽

Contaminate                            玷污

Immorality                              不道德(性)

Vile                                         污秽,卑贱

Confine                                   限制


Delude(d)                                (被)欺骗


p. 4

Survey (v.)                              观看,检视

Gaze                                        正视

Bluntness                                迟钝

Keenness                                 聪明

(spiritual) good(s) (n.)            (属灵的)善良

Content (adj.)                          满足

Demigods                                小神 Ponder                                        思考

Nature                                     本性

Straightedge ( = ruler)           

Masquerade                            假装,化装

Consummate                           极高,极大的

Stink                                        发臭



1.1.3.   Man before God’s majesty


p. 5

Dread (v., n.)                           恐惧               

Stricken                                   击倒

Annihilate(d)                          毁灭

Infer                                        推论

Lowly                                      卑微

State                                        地位,状态

Consternation                          惊恐

Overwhelm                             征服,压倒

Argument                                论据                           

Impotence                               无能

Not without cause                   不无理由

Awesome(ness)                      可畏

Cherub, cherubim (pl.)           天使

Veil (v., n.)                             遮脸,(用)帕子

Blush (v.)                                羞耻,脸红


Mutually connected                彼此相关



1.2.1.   Piety is requisite for knowledge of God


p. 7

Conceive                                 认为,想

Befit (v.)                                 适合

Properly speaking                   正当的来说

Religion = piety                      虔诚

Accursed                                 被咒诅

Apprehend                              理解

Redeemer                                救赎主

Mediator                                 中保

Primal                                     原始,基本

Attends (us)                            侍候(我们),与(我们)同在

Embrace (v.)                           拥抱,接受

Fashion (v.)                             设计,塑造

Twofold                                  两方面的,双层

Aspect                                     层面

Render honor                          (给,献上)尊重

Suffice (v.) = be enough         足够

Adore                                      爱慕

Sustain                                    托住,支持

Boundless                               无限

Regulate, regulation               管理,规则

Bear with                                容忍

Watch over                             看守

Rectitude                                 正直

Fit (adj.)                                  适合的

Reverence                               敬畏

Induce                                     促进,产生

Author                                     作者,来源

(Every) good (n.)                    (各样的)美物

Yield, yield service                 让;献上事奉

Nay,                                        不是的,



1.2.2.   Knowledge of God involves trust and reverence


p. 9

Involve                                    包含,牵涉到

Idle                                          懒散

Speculation(s)                         猜测

Consistent with his nature      与祂的本性一致

Profess                                    承认,相信

Cast aside                                抛弃,丢弃

Amuse                                     娱乐

Credit to his account               归功劳给祂(的账上)

Penetrate                                 渗透

Handiwork                              创作

You are bound to                    你有义务

By right of creation                 因创造而有的权柄

Undertake                               从事

Ascribe (glory)                       述说,归(荣耀)

Assuredly                                肯定是

Disposed to                             有… 的意愿,倾向

By which we live                    我们生活要遵循的

Cleave to                                 紧握,亲近

Seduce                                    诱惑

Pious (adj.), piety (n.)             虔诚的,虔诚

Hold him to be                        认为祂是

Exercises (v.) diligence     (竭力)勤劳


Go beyond                              干犯,超过

Give itself over completely    完全交託(降服)自己

Understand him to be             (  = understand that he is) 理解祂是

It betakes himself

It is persuaded that                  它确信(被说服)

Remedy (n., v.)                       弥补,帮助

Advance (v.)                           推动,促进

Severity                                   严谨


p. 10

Hold before its gaze           注视

Restrain                                   约束

Provoke                                   触动

Withdraw                                退缩   

Embrace                                  拥抱,接受

Benefactor                              赐恩者

Pertain to                            与…有关,属於…

Shudder                                   发抖,颤栗

Offend                                     得罪


Earnest                                    诚恳

Legitimate                               合法的

Prescribe(d)                            规定

Note (this fact)                        注意(此事实)

Veneration (n.)                        敬畏

Reverence (v.)                        敬畏

Ostentation (n.), ostentatious  繁琐



1.13.21.  Don’t Go Beyond the Bible; Play the Philosopher Only Moderately;

Human Mind Cannot Measure the Measureless; Only God Knows Himself in Himself, and Witnesses to Himself


p. 14

Moreover                                再者

Tear from                      把… 从… 拔起

Instigate (v.)                            惹起

Divine essence                        属神的本质

Distinction of persons             位格之间的分辨

Harry                                       困扰

Orthodox (adj.), orthodoxy     正统的

Kindle a fire                            挑旺火


Strive                                      尝试,努力

Contentious                             喜欢争辩的

Calumny                                 责难

Exert (v.) effort                       努力

To the end that                   为了达成…的目标

Lend ears to                        聆听


p. 15

Sober(ly)                                 警醒,谨慎

Moderation                             中庸

Caution                                   警戒,留意

Limits to which extends    …所延伸至的限制

Measure (v.)                            衡量

Measureless (adj.)                   无限量

Measure (n.)                            尺寸

Search out                               探究

Leave to                              任由…

The one fit witness to himself 唯一适合为自己作见证者

Known through himself          藉著祂(才能)认识祂

Conceive him to be as            认识祂,按照祂对我们的自我启示

He reveals himself to us 

Inquire                                    探究

Extant                                      现存

Homily, homilies (pl.)            讲章

Restrain                                   约束

Presumptuous                         自大

Free rein                                  毫无约束                                 

Modest                                    谦逊

Teachable(ness)                      受教(的心)

Occasion (v.)                          带来

Labyrinth                                深渊

Oracle                                     晓谕





p. 16

Charge (v.)                              指责,控告

Obtuse(ness)                           愚拙

Dull wit                                   迟钝

Desert to (v.)                           陷入

Fabrication                              虚构

Depict                                     描绘

Ephemeral                               虚浮

Intimate                                   亲切

Waver                                     摇动

Founder                                   创始者



p. 17

Mark                                       勾画

Continual succession (n.)       继续不断

Primal                                     原始,基本

Monstrous                               荒谬

Fables                                      神话

(be) in vogue                           流行

Rapt in wonder                       被诧异所征服

Scoff                                       嘲笑

Millennium(s)                         一千年

Lawful                                    合法

Expedient                                合宜

Will (v.) on purpose                特意地定意

Shameless                               无耻

Mock                                       嘲笑


p. 18

Admonition                             劝勉

Grave                                      严肃

Severe                                     严厉

Wantonness                            放纵

Incomprehensible                   不能知道,不能透知

Dim, dimmed                          暗淡   

Belch forth                              爆出


p. 19

Higher cause of things            万物更高的成因

Stretch of time                       

Circuit of heavens                   天上的轨迹

Expostulate                             辩论

Imprudence                             狂妄

Detestable                               可被厌恶

Carp at                                    责备

In accord with                     与…吻合

Innumerable                            无数的

Gratify                                    满足

Engross                                   吸引

Confine                                   限制




1.5.1.   The clarity of God’s self-disclosure strips us of every excuse


p. 20

Self-disclosure                        自我启示

Blessed (life)                           蒙福的(人生)

Excluded from                   从…被排除

Access to                             达到… 的能力,权利

Seed of religion                      宗教(敬虔)的种子(加尔文专用名词)

Reveal, disclose                      启示,显示

Workmanship                         工匠的技巧

Compelled                              被催逼

Incomprehensible                   不可知

Divineness                              神性

Perception                               察觉

Engrave                                   刻印

Unmistakable                          不可能有差错(清楚)

Marks                                      印记

Prominent                               显著

Unlettered                               没有受教育(没有文化)

Stupid                                      愚蠢,没有文化

Plead the excuse of            诉诸…的藉口

Aptly                                       适当地

Exclaims                                 惊叹

Clad                                        穿著

Garment                                  衣裳

Splendor                                  华丽


p. 21

Insignia                                   印记,徽号

Cast our gaze                          注视

Messengers                             使者

Discern                                    分辨,看出

Sparks of glory                       荣耀的火花

Attestation of divinity             神性的见证

Apparent                                 明显

Disclosed                                显示



1.3.1    Men Have Sense of Divinity; “Seed of Religion” 


p. 22

Natural instinct                       自然的本能

Awareness of divinity             对神性的意识 divinitatis sensum加尔文名句)

Beyond controversy                无可争辩

Taking refuge                         避难(当作藉口)

Pretence of ignorance             假装不知道

Implanted                                种植

Perceive                                  察觉

Condemned                             定罪

Testimony                               见证

Failed to honor him                没有尊崇祂

Consecrate (their) lives           奉献生命

Backward                                落後

Remote from civilization        远离文明

The eminent pagan                 那位有名的异教徒

Barbarous                                野蛮

Savage                                    野蛮

Deep-seated conviction          内在深处的信念


p. 23

Other aspects of life                生命(生活)的其他层面

Brutes                                      禽兽

Retain                                      保存

Seed of religion                      宗教(信仰)的种子(加尔文名句)

Common                                 普通

Conception                              观念

Occupy the mind of                支配…的心思


Tacit confession                      默认

Sense of deity                         神的意识

Inscribed                                 刻印

Idolatry                                   偶像敬拜

Ample proof                           足够证据

Humble himself                      谦卑自己

Place over himself             置於自己之上

Vivid impression                    活泼的印象

A divine being                        一位神

To blot from mind        从… 的心思搽除

Natural disposition                 自然的倾向(意愿)

Alter                                        改变

Voluntarily                              自愿地

Natural haughtiness                自然(本性上)的骄傲

To the very depths                  下到深渊

Sense of divinity                     对神性的意识

Natural movement                  自然(本性上)的倾向

Recollection                            回忆

Renew                                     更新

Distill                                      过滤

Drop by drop                          一滴一滴地

From first to last                     从头到末了

Dedicate our lives                   奉献我们的生命

From the Bible of Olivetan

God’s Revelation can be seen everywhere; God is never without a witness

p. 24

Engraven                                 刻印

Without a witness                   没有见证者

No knowledge of his word     对祂的话不认识

All creatures                           一切被造的

Firmament                              穹苍

Drawing them on to            吸引他们去…                                   

Do him service and honor      服事祂,尊荣祂

Dignity                                    尊贵

Potent                                      大能

Upon that quest                       在那件(追求的)事上

Acclaim                                  称讚

The elements                           风雨

Resound                                  回响

In truth                                    事实上

Seek him afar                          从远处追寻祂

Within himself                        在自己里面

Sustained                                被支持

Preserved                                被保存

Virtue                                      (美德),能力



1.5.1 When man opens his eyes, he cannot but see God’s revelation in creation


p. 25

Manifest                                  显明

Beautiful and exquisite           美妙

Edifice                                    建築,结构

Showing, presenting himself  表现,呈现自己

Cannot without                  不能不没有

Oblige (v.), obligation (n.)      责任,义务



1.3.3 Godless is impossible


p. 26

Sound judgment                      正确的判断(通达)

Sense of divinity                     神性的意识

Efface                                      除去,塗抹

Engrave                                   刻印

Perversity                                扭曲,邪恶

Impious                                   不敬虔的人

Struggle furiously                   拼命挣扎

Extricate themselves from 欲自己免除(从…拔除)

The fear of God                      敬畏神(的心)

Abundant testimony               丰富(足够)的见证

Conviction                              信念

Naturally inborn                     与生俱来

Fixed deep within                   在内里深处生根

In the very marrow                 诚然在骨髓里

Jest                                          开玩笑,嘲笑

Has been believed                   人们所相信的


Worm of conscience               良心这条蟲(良心在内里的折磨)

Cauterize                                 烧灼

Gnaw(s) away                         腐蚀

With the lapse of time            随著时间

Something will have to be said 需要提一下

Cast away                               丢弃,排除

All knowledge of God            一切对上帝的认识

By every means                      用一切的方法

Conjure up                              想出,助长

Reject                                      拒绝

Waste away                             摧残

Extinguish                               消灭

Thrive                                     兴旺

Presently                                 不时

Master                                     掌握

From his mothers womb     从母腹中

Nature itself                            本性,自然

With every nerve                    用尽能力

To this end                              为此目标


p. 27

To the end that                   为…这个目标

Unstable                                  不稳定

Fleeting                                   不持久

Progress (v.)                            进展

To this degree                         到这个程度

Direct                                      指引

Every thought and action        每一项思想与行动

Degenerate                              堕落

Philosophers                           哲学家们

Plato                                        柏拉图

Highest good (n.)                    最高的美善

Likeness to God                      像神

Grasped the knowledge of 掌握了对…的认识

Transformed into his likeness 改变成为像祂

In the same manner                 同样地

Reason(s) (v.) skillfully          有技巧的理论(推理)

Religion is absent from life    生命没有宗教

Men are in no wise             人在各方面都不…

In many respects                     在许多方面

(is) subject to                     受…

Drag out                                  拖著

Ceaseless                                不停的

Tumult and disquiet                纷扰,不安

Renders (man)                        给,使(人)成为…

Aspire to immortality             追求不朽



Comm. Acts 17:27 Mankind is wicked, perverted … neglect glory in creation; God grants true knowledge, but man needs illumination by Spirit; nature not sufficient


p. 28

Perversity                                扭曲,邪恶

(Are) destitute of                缺乏,没有

Pass by                                    错过,略过

Singular                                  特别,独特

Faith by which it is known     认识…所需的信心

Proceed from                          从…而来

(Mind) enter into                    达到(认识)



Comm. Rom. 1:22 Man’s tendency toward idolatry


p. 29

Vice                                        恶习

Is by no means peculiar to  不仅限於…

To think oneself wise             自以为聪明(智慧)

Common to all                    所有…都是

Not one of them                      他们中间没有一人

Confine within                    限制在…之内

Grasp                                      掌握



p. 29 (cont’d)

In vain                                     徒然

Right way                               正路

Vain                                        虚妄

Harmful                                  有害

Distinguish from             分辨…与…

Have access to him                 达到祂那里



55th sermon on Deuteronomy


p. 30

Deuteronomy                          申命记

nonsense                                 胡说八道

fantasy, fantasies (pl.)             幻想

profess to                           承认

Turks                                       土耳其人(回教徒)



2.2.18  Humanities: Philosophers: Inconsistent, Confused


p. 31

philosophers                            哲学家

inconsistency (n.)                    不一致的地方

imagine, imagining                 想象

savor (US), savour (UK)        香味

in excuse of                        作为…的藉口

impiety                                    不敬虔

addressed                                对…说话

attain                                       达到



2.2.18 Limits of Our Understanding


p. 32

human reason                          人的理性

discern                                    分辨

with regard to                     关於…

spiritual insight                       属灵的洞悉

consists in                          包含…

to frame (v.)                            组织,建构

according to                       按照

genius                                      天才


apt                                           适当

giddy                                       轻浮,摇摆

slight                                       稍微有一点的

cloak                                       外衣

impel                                       迫使 utterances                                   发言

confession                               承认(信仰)


p. 33

momentary                              一煞那

lightning flash                         闪电

vanish                                      消失

swift(ly)                                  迅速

plunge                                     沉於

let alone                                  不要说…

chance to                            偶然会…


droplets                                   小滴

monstrous                               大,可怕

lie(s) (n.)                                 谎言

defile                                       玷污

in short                                    简言之

benevolence                            恩慈,善意

without which                    若没有它,

boundless                                无限的

confusion                                混乱

approach                                 靠近

strive toward                      朝…方向努力

take a straight aim at          朝…目标努力

what sort of                         是什么类型的…



2.6.1    Only the Mediator Helps Fallen Man


p. 34

Whole human race                  全人类

Perish                                      灭亡

In the person of                  在…里

Excellence                              优越

Nobility                                   高贵,尊贵

Recount                                   复述

Of no profit to                    对…无益


Shame                                     羞耻

Defile                                      玷污

Corrupt                                    败坏

Only-begotten                         读生(基督教专用名词)

Fallen from                        从…堕落

Setting forth                            呈现

Natural order                           自然(本性)的秩序

Frame of the universe                         宇宙的构造

Felicity                                    幸福

Curse                                       咒诅

Seize                                       抓住

Envelope (v.)                          包围

Innocent                                  无辜

Overwhelm                             征服

Despair                                    绝望

Manifest                                  显明



p. 35

Contemplate                            默想

Infer                                        推论

Conscience                              良心

Press (v.)                                 催逼

Just cause                                正当的理由

Disown (v.)                             不认

Regard                                    对待

Ingratitude                              不感激

Perverted                                 扭曲,邪恶

Defraud                                   抢夺,

Folly                                        愚拙

Magnificent                            华丽

Theater                                    戏院

Cram (v.)                                充满,堆积

Innumerable                            数不清的(多)

Unbeliever                              非信徒

Despise                                   藐视

Against our will                      违背我们的意志

Embrace                                  拥抱,领受

Offer                                       提供(邀请)


p. 36

Inclination                               倾向,意愿

Estranged                                疏远

In order that                       好叫…

Nevertheless                           仍然

Comprehend (v.)                     包含

Whereby                                 靠著它

Restrict                                    限制

Accursed                                 被咒诅

Wrath                                      忿怒

Reconciliation                         和好



Preface, Geneva Bible


p. 37

Preface                                    序言

Curiosity                                 好奇

Ambition                                 野心

Doctrine                                  教训,教义

Console (v.)                            安慰

Exhort                                     劝勉

Render                                    给,使之

Edification                              造就

Walk (v.)                                 行事为人

Fulfillment                              成全

Substance                                实体

Incline                                     有倾向



1.7.1 God speaks to us in Scripture


p. 38

Auhority                                  权威

Reverence (v.)                        尊重

Banish                                     铲除

Deplorably                              可憎恶的


Devoid of                           没有,缺乏…

Common sense                       尝试

Inpugn                                     贬损

Credibility                               可信性

Oracles                                    晓谕

It pleased                            是…的美意

Hallow                                    尊重

Remembrance                         回忆

Obtain full authority               有充分的权威

Well worth treating                 非常值得处理


p. 39

Pernicious                               有害

Error                                        错误

Widely prevails                       是普遍

Has only so much weight       只有这么多的重量(权柄)

Conceded to it                         给予,认为

Consent                                   同意

Inviolable                                不可磨灭

Mock                                       藐视

Convince                                 说服

Assure                                     给确据

Exclude                                   删除

Sure rule                                 可靠的準则

Canon                                      正典

Determination                         决定

Sacrilegious                            亵渎

Impose                                    施压

Unbridled                                没有约束的

Tyranny                                  专制

Under the cover of             在…的遮盖(藉口)下

Absurdity, absurdities (pl.)     荒谬

Ensnare                                   使…在纠缠(辖制)下       

Force (v.)                                强迫

What will happen to          会怎么样

Miserable conscience(s)         可怜的良心

Assurance                               确据

Consist in                           在…那里

Vacillate                                  摇摆

Tremble                                  颤栗

Mockery                                  藐视

Suspicion                                怀疑

Precarious                               脆弱,不可靠

Good pleasure                         美意,意见


4.8.9    Holy Spirit’s Inspiration


p. 40

Apostle                                    使徒

Sworn                                      已经发誓的(以宣誓而为正式的)

Notary, notaries (pl.)              书记员, 公证员

Authentic                                真实

Successor(s)                            承人

Commission                            委任

Contain                                   包含



4.8.9 Apostles Impart Word as from God


p. 41

Instruct                                    教导

Reserve for himself           为自己保留…

Impart                                     给,

Handed down by                从…递下来

Hesitate, hesitating                 犹疑不决

Tremble, trembling                 颤栗

Accustomed to                   习惯

High confidence                     强的信心

Befits                                      适合

Furnished with                        满有

Reject                                      拒绝

Inventions                               发明

Ordinance(s)                           典章

Rank                                        等级

Decree                                     圣旨,预旨

Demolish                                铲除

Strongholds                             营垒

Stratagem                                策略,诡计

Captive                                    掳掠



Pastors = Endowed with Power


p. 41

Sovereign power                     主权的能力

Pastor                                      牧师

Endowed with                         被赐予以北(有)

Dare boldly                             敢胆

By Gods Word                    根据上帝的话

Compel                                   催逼

Exaltation                                被高举的(事)

Yield to                              向…屈服

Command                               吩咐

From highest to the least        从最高到最小

Instruct                                    教导

Exhort                                     劝勉

Accuse                                    指控

Rebuke                                    责备

Subdue                                    征服

Rebellious                               悖逆的

Stubborn                                 顽固的

Bind, loose                              捆绑,释放





1.7.4  Knowing = Receiving What Scripture Teaches


p. 42

A bit ago                                 刚才

Credibility                               可信性

Beyond doubt                         毫无(超越)怀疑

Author                                     来源,作者

Derives from                      从…而来

In person                                 亲自

Boast                                       誇耀

Keen, keenness                       聪明

Obtain credit                           有可信性,建立可信性

Rational proof                         理性的论据

Bring forward                         带出

Brought into obedience          带到顺服

Apparent                                 显然

Plausible                                 可能,或然

Opinion                                   意见

Call upon Gods name         呼求上帝的名

Heedlessly                              没用

Perpetual, perpetually             永久

Instability                                不稳定

Vacillation                              摇摆

Boggle at                                 缠住

Quibble                                   争吵

Conviction                              信念

Conjectures                             猜测

Secret                                      隐秘,秘密

Testimony of the Holy Spirit 圣灵的见证

Proceed                                   从…进展而来

Argument                                论据

Advance                                  进展


p. 43

Endowed                                 被…赐予

Rise up in opposition to      起来反对…

Bring to bear                           拿出

Unless                                     除非

Harden(ed)                              刚硬

Hopeless                                 没有盼望


Wrest from                              从…夺出

Manifest signs                         明显的记号

Far surpass                              远远超过

Come to view                          能被看到

- - -

Build up firm faith                  建立坚固的信心

Disputation                             辩论

Do things backwards              本末倒置地行事

Excel in                              …的长处是

Dexterity                                 技巧

Eloquence                               修辞秀丽

Struggle against                 与…挣扎

Crafty                                      狡猾

Despiser(s)                              藐视(者)

Shrewd                                    狡猾

Witty                                       聪明

Disparage, disparaging           低看

Silence (v.)                              驳倒(使之沉默)

Clamorous                              喧嚷

Refute                                     驳倒


Shatter                                     粉碎

Mutter                                     喃喃自语


Evil-speaking                          说坏话

Imprint                                    刻印

Certainty                                 保证

Require                                   所必须,所要求的

Stand by opinion alone           只靠意见而已

Foolish                                    愚蠢

Lightly                                    轻率

Speak divinely                        从(靠)上帝说话


p. 44

a fit witness of himself           为自己的最适合见证人

acceptance                              接受

penetrate                                 渗透

persuade                                  说服

connection                              关连

offspring                                 後裔

fail                                           徒然


unpunished                              不被惩罚

murmur                                   喃喃自语

guarantee                                保证

illumine                                   光照

waver                                      动摇



Comm. John 5:39


p. 45

intention                                  信志,目标

turn aside                                偏离

torment                                    折磨

all his life long                        终生

attain to                                   达到

sagacity, sagacious (adj.)        (圣人的)智慧

intelligence                             聪明



4.8.5 Christ = Only Mediator between God and Man


p. 46

Unity                                       统一性

Multiplicity                             多元性

Prevail                                     普遍

Diversity, diverse                    多元,分歧

Present order                           现今的秩序

Former times                           先前的世代 


p. 47

Except                                     除了

Comprehend                           明白


Beholding                               看见

Manifest                                  显示

Sole                                         唯一

Fountain                                  泉源

Oracle                                     晓谕

- - - - -

Patriarch                                  先祖

Descendant                             後裔

Condition                                条件

Propagate                                传扬



1.6.1 How? Be Taught by Scripture


p. 48


Withdraw                                退缩

Ingratitude                              不感激

Guilt                                        罪名

Exception                                例外

His presence                           在祂面前

Portray                                    描绘

Aright                                      正确地

In vain                                     徒然

Worthy of this privilege         配得此特权

Intimate                                   亲密

Tossed, agitated                      被摇摆


Stand firm                               站立得稳

Melt away                               消除


p. 49

Bleary-eyed                            疲倦

Beautiful volume                    美妙的书



Spectacles                               眼镜

Distinct                                   独特

Dispersed                                分散



Maintain                                  维持

Plan                                         计划

Certain mark                           肯定的印记

-           - - 


(Two sorts of knowledge of God in Scripture)


p. 49

Assistance                               帮助

Intimate                                   亲密

Distinguish                              分辨

Proper doctrine of faith          正当的信心的教义

Illumine                                  光照

Order                                       次序

Permit                                     容许

Grasp                                      掌握


p. 50

Found                                      创造,创始

Govern                                    统治

Quicken                                  使… 复活

Found, founder                       创始,创始人

Ruler                                       统治者

Mediator                                 中保

Redeemer                                救赎主

Fall of the world                     世界的堕落

Corruption of nature               自然的败坏

Forego                                     越过

Remedy                                   解决的方法


Adopt                                      收养为儿女

Separate                                  分别出来

Believers                                 信徒

Unbelieving folk                     不信的人们

Founded                                  建基於

Throng of                                众多的;群


In due order                            到适当的时候

The redemption                       救赎大工

Derive                                     从…而来

Express mention is made of    明说

To this end                              为此目标

Artificer                                  建造者

Set forth                                  呈现

Uncertain                                不明确的

Deity                                       神明

Devious paths                         不正当的途径



1.6.2    The Word as Holy Scripture


p. 51

Became known to                   显示

Oracles                                    晓谕

Visions                                    异象

Work and ministry                  (传道)事工

Hand down                             传递下去

Posterity                                  後代

No doubt                                 无疑

Firm certainty of doctrine       教义的确实性

Engraved                                 刻印

Proceed from                          从…而来

Rendered unambiguous          使之清楚

Superior to                              超越

Opinion                                   (人的主观)意见

Abide forever                          永存

Continuing succession of        不断的有教导


Survive through all ages         存留到每一个世代

To have recorded = record     记录

Public tablets                          大众(可以看到的)石版

With this intent                       为此(目标)

Published                                公布

Interpreters                              解释者

Use of the law                         律法的用途(加尔文著名的教义)

Manifold                                 多种

Committed to                          交託给

Way of reconciliation             和好之法(道路)

The end of the law                  律法的终结

Repeat                                     重复

Doctrine of faith and               信心与悔改的教义


Sets forth                                 呈现,突出


p. 52

Adorns                                    装饰

Unmistakable                          清晰

Marks and tokens                    标记

The one true God                    唯一真神

Govern                                                治理

Mixed up with                        与…混淆

False gods                               假神

Fitting                                     适当

Serious                                    认真的

Contemplate                            默想

Glorious theater                      荣耀的戏院

Spectator                                 观看者

Prick up his ears to                 小心听

The better to profit                  为要得到更大的好处

No wonder                              难怪

Hardened                                刚硬

Insensibility                            不敏感

Contain themselves within     将自己限制在界限里


Apply themselves to               竭力

Teachable, teachably              受教


Vanity                                     虚妄

True religion                           真正的信仰(敬虔),宗教

Shine upon                              向…光照

Heavenly doctrine                   属天的教义

Taste (n.) of                           

Right and sound doctrine        正确的教义

Pupil of Scripture                   圣经的学生

Emerge                                    浮现

Embrace                                  领受(拥抱)

What it pleases God to            上帝的美意是

Witness of himself                  为祂自己见证

Perfect and complete              完全与完整

In every way                           在每一方面

Not only .. but                    不仅…而且

All right knowledge                所有正确的知识

Born of                                    由…而出

Obedience                               顺服

Singular providence                独一的护理

Taken thought for                   眷顾

Mortal(s)                                 凡人(必死的人)



1.7.5 Scripture Bears Its Own Authentication


p. 53

Let this point stand:                我们必须承认这一点

Those whom taught           …所教导的人们

Inwardly                                  在(他们)内里 Rest upon                           倚靠,信靠

Self-authenticated                   自我见证,自我证实

Hence                                      所以

Subject it to proof                   把它服在证明(证据)之下;去证明它

The certainty it attains with us 它对我们的确实性

Testimony of the Spirit           圣灵的见证

Sealed upon our hearts           被刻印在我们的心版上

Illumined                                被光照

Neither by our own nor          既不是靠我们的,也不是靠任何人的判断

by anyone else’s judgment

From God                               从神而来

Above human judgment         超越人的判断之上

Affirm                                     肯定,宣告,相信

With utter certainty                 以绝对的信心(确信)

As if                                        好像

Gaze upon                               注视

Majesty                                   荣美

Flowed to us                           流到我们

From the very mouth of God  从神自己的口中

Ministry of men                      人的(传道)事工

We seek no proofs                  我们并不寻求证据

Marks of genuineness             (《圣经》)真实性的标记

Lean upon                               倚靠

Subject our judgment to it      把我们的判断顺服於…之下

A thing far beyond guesswork一件毫无猜测的事

Accustom(ed)                         习惯

Seize upon                              抓住

Under close scrutiny               在谨慎的查考之下

Displease                                使之不悦

Fully conscious that                完全意识到

We hold the truth                    我们手上的是真理

Habitually                               习惯性的

Bind their minds to            将他们的心思繫於…

Superstition                             迷信

Undoubted                              毫无疑问地

Power of divine majesty         上帝荣耀的大能

Inflamed                                  焚烧

Knowingly and willingly        自我意识地

More vitally                            更充满著生命(活泼)

More effectively                     更有效地

Mere human knowing             仅仅是人的知道


p. 54

Very rightly                            非常正确地

Proclaim(s)                             宣告

Prophets                                  先知

The whole people                   (神的)全体子民

Witnesses to him                    祂的见证者

Instructed by prophecies         由先知的话(预言)所教导

Unhesitatingly                        毫无迟疑

Held that                                 认为,坚持,说

God had spoken                      上帝已经晓谕(说话)

Deceit                                      诡诈

Ambiguity                               不清楚,含糊

Conviction                              信念

Require no reasons                 不需要理由的

Such a knowledge                   如此的知识

With which the best                最好的理性都与它同意

reason agrees

The mind reposes                    理性安息

Securely                                  安全地

Finally                                     最後

That can be born only of         只可能从…而来

Heavenly revelation                从天上(属天)的启示

Experience within himself      在他心中所经历的

Fall far beneath                       远远不及

Just explanation                      公正的解释

The matter                               (这)件事

- - -

Refrain                                    且不

The only true faith                  唯一真信仰

Spirit seals in our hearts         圣灵刻在我们的心中

Modest reader                         谦卑的读者

Teachable                                受教的

Be content with                       以…为满足

This one reason                       这一个理由

The renewed church               被更新的教会(意即﹕以色列重生之後)

Deems worthy of privilege     认为配得特权

Only his elect                          唯有祂的选民

Distinguish from                     分辨(分别)出来

The human race as a whole    全人类

True doctrine                          真信仰(教义)

Prompt eagerness to hearken  愿意聆听

Ascend                                    上升

Descend                                  降下

Abyss                                      深渊


p. 55

God has willed                        上帝已经意旨

Treasure of understanding      知识的宝藏

Hidden                                    隐藏

No wonder or absurdity          不是奇怪,不是荒谬的事

Multitude of men                    众多的人群

Certain distinguished folk      一些有名望的人

Engrafted into the church       移植到教会里

Beyond belief                         难以置信

Want to be reckoned as          想要被视为成员


Fewness of believers              信徒是那么少﹕此事实

Disturb                                    使之不安

Converse                                 相反

To whom it is given                领受它的人,蒙(上帝)赐予的人

Comprehend                           明白(这里不是﹕包含)



Comm. Acts 16:14


p. 56

Day-dreaming                         白日做梦

Fantastic                                  胡思乱想

Hold their peace                      住口

Under the cover of the                        冒圣灵的名


Hold in disdain                       藐视

External doctrine                    外在的教义

Moderation                             中庸,谨慎

Obtain nothing                        得不著什么

Without grace                         若没有恩典

The Spirit who is given to us  所赐给我们的圣灵

Not at all                                 完全不是

Engenders contempt               助长藐视的心

Give faith to understanding    赐信心,好叫…了解

Write on our hearts                 写在心版上



1.13.1  God accommodates us with language


p. 57

Accommodate                         迁就,俯就(加尔文重要的教义)

Orthodox fathers                     正统的(早期教会)教父

Gods essence                                  上帝的本质

Infinite, spiritual                     无限的,属灵的

Anthropomorphisms               拟人法

Nurses                                     保姆,乳母


p. 58

Banish delusions                     排除虚妄

Refute                                     反驳

Subtleties (pl.)                        诡计

Secular philosophy                 世俗哲学

One of the ancients                 其中一位古人(古代哲学家)

Remark                                   说,宣称

Whatever we do not see          我们所有看不见的东西

Fancy (v.)                                幻想,认为

Divinity                                   上帝的神性(有时可译为﹕神学)

Pour out                                  倾倒

Keep us sober                         使我们警醒

Sparingly                                罕有

Those two titles                      那两个头衔(无限性,灵性)

Stupid imaginings                   愚蠢的幻想

Restrain                                   约束

Measure                                  衡量

Our own senses                       我们自己的感官

Spiritual nature                       属灵的本性(即﹕上帝是个灵)

Forbid                                     禁止

Earthly, carnal                        属地的,属血气的

For the same reason                基於同一个理由

Assigns to himself                  给自己

Dwelling place                        住所 Our slow minds             我们迟钝的心思

Shake off our sluggishness     除掉我们的懒惰

Inertia                                      惰性

Raise us above the world        提升我们到世界以上

Falls to the ground                  成为乌有

Manichees                               摩尼教者

Postulate two principles         假设两个原则

Undoubtedly                           无疑

Wreck                                     破坏

Restrict                                    限制

Unity, infinity                         (上帝的)统一性,无限性





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          这厮还热摸狗样地挑三拣四,有人喂你吃就不错了,非要人揍你吃吗 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (136)
            用中文吧,既然都不是原装的,你也不要装了。  /无内容 - xiahong 05/23/19 (173)
              宝贝,什么时候对你装过,帖子也不是为你一人,你那么矫情干什么 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (158)
                既然归正, 就要认真。  /无内容 - xiahong 05/23/19 (140)
                  在你心里,“归正”为何意?  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (153)
                    在我心里,加尔文用法文写的,就以法文为准 - xiahong 05/23/19 (158)
                      你这厮不懂希伯来文和希腊文,你就不是正宗的基督徒?  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (139)
                      那些不懂法文的加尔文主义者就不是正宗的加尔文主义者?  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (161)
                        我教育你:不要拿非正典浑水摸鱼。  /无内容 - xiahong 05/23/19 (146)
                          就你这熊样就是一个标准的需要受教的样子,你还想教育别人?啜!  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (128)
                      我的问题是:在你心里,“归正”是什么意思?  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (178)
                        回归正典。  /无内容 - xiahong 05/23/19 (160)
                          也就是说你从来不是一个正典基督徒?因为你不懂希伯来 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (144)
              宝贝,什么时候对你装过,帖子也不是为你一人,你那么矫情干什么 - 从上而生 05/23/19 (178)
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