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送交者: oldfish 2020年12月14日06:51:05 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

安波罗修 兄弟之死



On the Death of his Brother, Concerning the Faith (Book 3 Chapter 7/第七章

46. Hereby we are brought to understand that the prophecy of the incarnation, "The Lord created me the beginning of his ways for his works," (Prov 8.22) means that the Lord Jesus was created of the Virgin for the redeeming of the Father's works. Truly, we cannot doubt that this is spoken of the mystery of the incarnation, for as much as the Lord took upon him our flesh, in order to save the works of his hands from the slavery of corruption, so that he might, by the sufferings of his own body, overthrow him who had the power of death (Heb 2.14). For Christ's flesh is for the sake of things created, but his Godhead existed before them, seeing that he is before all things, while all things exist together in him (Col 1.17). /

“在耶和华造化的起头,在太初创造万物之先,就有(英文为 created,创造)了我。(箴言 8:22)”的意思是主耶稣乃是为了父救赎的工作而由童女被造。确实,我们不能怀疑这乃是論及道成肉身的奥秘,因為主之所以親自穿上了我們的肉體,乃是为了要将祂手的工作从败坏的奴役中拯救出来,如此祂更能借着祂自己的身体所受之苦难,推翻那掌死权的一位(希伯来2:14)。故此,基督的肉體乃是为着受造之物,但祂的神格存在于受造物之前,(让我们)看见祂是在万有之先,万有也共存于祂之内。(西1:17)

On the Death of his Brother, Concerning the Faith (Book 3),Ambrose http://individual.utoronto.ca/jskira/syllabus-trinity-church-1054-09.html

    安波羅修在下面等著回答你!快點出發!  /无内容 - oldfish 12/14/20 (25)
  您老能一天一个“方队”? - nngzh 12/14/20 (111)
    呵呵,修肌肉啊!難得看見這種好戲!不是嗎?  /无内容 - oldfish 12/14/20 (60)
      我在玩這個,樂的呢!:P - oldfish 12/14/20 (78)
        这两推土机也太厉害👍了 - 克利西亚 12/14/20 (61)
        经上说:现今的世代邪恶,你们要爱惜光阴 - nngzh 12/14/20 (52)
        你们四个,都是“与人斗,其乐无穷”。 - nngzh 12/14/20 (75)
          你对异端态度有问题。有圣经,还辩不清吗?😁  /无内容 - repentant 12/14/20 (73)
            这“异端"不都是彼此互定嘛,能当真吗? - nngzh 12/14/20 (61)
              别说你一个人了,就说改革宗定阿民念派为异端,你认为作得数么?  /无内容 - nngzh 12/14/20 (56)
          我是娛樂啦 - oldfish 12/14/20 (61)
            拿主内弟兄“练拳”,好说不好听啊  /无内容 - nngzh 12/14/20 (74)
              不是我先的哦!  /无内容 - oldfish 12/14/20 (66)
              张兄弟的赵牧贴子,好像也在表明你的观点啊 - 克利西亚 12/14/20 (69)
                不敢,你们高手过招,俺们laymen唯恐躲之不及,免被误伤啊 - nngzh 12/14/20 (64)
                :) - oldfish 12/14/20 (71)
                  张兄,元老级,改革宗翻译出书 - 克利西亚 12/14/20 (71)
                    你老兄此贴有个硬伤 - nngzh 12/14/20 (80)
                      向张兄学习,老兄大博士,太谦虚了。我陪老鱼走回闭关去 - 克利西亚 12/14/20 (72)
                        又一个硬伤:俺是硕士,不是博士啊 :) - nngzh 12/14/20 (70)
                          华山论剑啊 - 克利西亚 12/14/20 (86)
                            这叫“谒”吧 :) - nngzh 12/14/20 (63)
  Joshua,這是給你的。  /无内容 - oldfish 12/14/20 (62)
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