“Illegitimate totality transfer” means that a reader illegitimately ascribes a word to the totality of
the word could mean in each individual instance.
For instance, the word “kephalē, head” can mean the substance over the body or “one in authority”. When one says, “I got a brusie on my head” In this instance, head means the substance over the body and it doesn’t mean “one in authority”. When one says, “the gentleman who gave the speech last night is the head of my company.” In this instance, head means “one in authority” and it doesn’t mean the substance over the body.
Another instance is the use of κόσμος in the chapter 17 of the Gospel of John. The word κόσμος has a range of meanings. Just compare its use in vv. 6 and 9, we can tell in v.9 that κόσμος means the people clearly distinct from “them”. There is no way for it to mean everyone in the world as it is seen in v.6. There are 18 instances in the chapter 17, and we cannot illegitimately ascribe κόσμος to the totality of it could mean in each individual instance in this chapter.
圣经中的很多字都有很多的意思,而不仅仅是某一个意思,甚至并不存在有所谓的literal meaning。每个字的字义要根据上下文来确定,当我们把某个字的所有意思读进每个字出现的任何一节经文的时候,我们就很可能会犯一个错误叫做“Illegitimate totality transfer”(非法整体转移)。比如说, kephalē这个字可以是肩膀上的脑袋的意思,也有某个部门的“头头”的意思,例如林前11:3“我愿意你们知道,基督是各人的头。男人是女人的头,神是基督的头”这节经文里面的kephalē显然不是肩膀上的脑袋的意思,而是“one in authority”的意思。
同样,κόσμος这个字的意思就更加广泛了,但其意思也同样需要根据上下文来确定。κόσμος这个字在17章出现多次,但其用法却差别很大,若我们每次都认为κόσμος这个字必定是“世界上每个人”的意思,那就会闹大笑话了。例如,第9节耶稣说,“我为他们祈求。不为世人祈求”,这里的“世人”显然已经把“他们”给剔除了,意思是“世界上每个属世界的人”。同样,“神爱世人”(约3:16),上文(3:1-10)是在讲重生导致信心,而下文“叫(ἵνα )一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。”,这个hina从句表达因果关系,果乃是信心导致的永生,是出于“赐给didōmi”;要知道约翰福音第6章整章都在将这个“恩赐”(didōmi),而这个恩赐显然是父赐给祂拣选的人的: