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It is a common problem with tough solutions.
送交者: xinmin 2006年08月02日11:49:38 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話


Comment: Paradoxically the brother is walking on a haywire. Paul exhorts Christians to manage one's own household well before entrusted with leadership (bishop and deacon) responsibilities in God's church. But not all church service requires such a high prerequisite. Many require lay people's voluntary services, as common as cleaning up the floor, child care, A/V recording, bulletin typing, etc.

This brother should heed to the instruction of Jesus first, not kotowing to his wife's unprincipled demands. His leadership role is not to accommodate to her unbiblical demand, but to lovingly motivate, mobilize and re-align her and his life's priorities along the common calling from Christ: imitate Christ to be his disciples and witness Christ to make disciples. To serve in God's church is a must, not a negotiable option. Remember Jesus' stern admonition to those who wish to care first their family affairs before seeking the Kingdom of God? Jesus simply dismissed them as unworthy of His Kingdom.


It is rare to have both equally zealous for the Lord.


This is a typical screw-up. Why not solicit her for service together? They are partners in church service as well as in life.

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