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Another survey
送交者: mean 2008年11月03日18:46:01 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
It's something I've been curious about, but I cannot seem to find any articles outlining the spiritual principles on this. This time it is not related to politics, thank God. So say, you have earnestly and persistently prayed for something (I dunno... school, work, career, housing, immigration, loan/mortgage, significant other, life direction etc. -- anything that's important to you), and lo and behold that something was somehow granted! But now you realize that circumstances has changed and you are not so sure you still want that thing that you were praying for anymore (because of say, other, not necessarily spiritual related reasons), what would you do? 1. give it up 2. pray for wisdom to give it up 3. pray for wisdom to take it up 4. take it up And say, you have earnestly and persistently prayed for something (once again, anything that's important to you), and lo and behold, after a protracted period of prayer, that something was finally granted and you are ecstatic. But just then you find something that is potentially better (because of other, not necessarily spiritual related reasons) but which you never bothered to pray for, what would you do? 1. take that something that is better 2. pray for wisdom to take that something that is better 3. pray for wisdom to take something that was granted 4. take something that was granted And say, you have earnestly and persistently prayed for something (still that something that's important to you), and lo and behold that something was somehow granted and you are happy. But then you realize that there are some part of it (once again, other, non-spiritual reasons) that you are not so sure you want anymore, what would you do? 1. take the good with the bad 2. pray for wisdom to take the good with the bad 3. pray for wisdom to forget about it all 4. forget about it all If you don't mind, please explain your reasoning as well.
  Simple answer - gems 11/04/08 (162)
  神撑权 - 又吃又喝 11/04/08 (146)
  the reason why I asked - mean 11/04/08 (260)
    How about just be true to God - adajo 11/04/08 (209)
  A book highly recommended - 诚之 11/04/08 (227)
    书介写得很好,多谢 - mean 11/04/08 (186)
      我觉得没有公式。 - 诚之 11/04/08 (153)
      The matter of fact is - Yuehanmiao 11/04/08 (183)
  简答 - 柯思炫 11/03/08 (296)
    转了一圈,突然想起一句话 - 柯思炫 11/03/08 (259)
      对呀对呀 - mean 11/04/08 (298)
        哈哈, - adajo 11/04/08 (320)
          here..  /无内容 - 852 11/04/08 (229)
            ??? - adajo 11/04/08 (249)
              我没发。。 - 852 11/04/08 (273)
                没有 - adajo 11/04/08 (303)
                  我也没有。。只能看啦,呵呵  /无内容 - 852 11/04/08 (271)
                    没的选。 - adajo 11/04/08 (213)
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