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转贴:“Money Cometh to You”
送交者: beiqian 2011年08月28日08:56:15 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话



“The blessing,” Thompson said, “is threefold: I’m saved, and I’m going to heaven. I got health in my body because I believe in healing. And I got money in my pocket because I believe in wealth.”

The calls for him to Preach! Preach! came from the assembly.

“My house is paid for,” Thompson continued. “And it’s over 20,000 square feet! Fireplace after fireplace after fireplace. I got so many fireplaces in my house, you’ll be walking through and call the fire truck!” The room exploded in laughter and praise.

“Matthew says, ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his’ . . . what?” he asked.

His righteousness!

“His what?”

His righteousness!

“And all these things shall be added to you.”


“Subtracted from you?”


“Add! Add! Add!” he thundered.

Thompson’s Master Vision Bearers and Ministerial Association, who often travel with him and take their place in the front pews, stood up during emotional moments to add their descants of praise. Mount Pleasant’s own stood up with them, matching, then exceeding, their intensity. The Bearers pulled bills and checks out of their wallets and placed them on Thompson’s lectern. The local members rushed to outdo them again.



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