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送交者: 一根柴 2011年10月22日18:15:54 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

中國在紐約推出「2011中國電影文化周」,首演當天放映的《建國大業》,雖然經斥資大肆宣傳,但17日首演當天在林肯中心Walter Reade劇院放映《建國大業》時,竟然連一名觀眾也沒有,報道形容這「成為此間華文媒體間的笑談」。

以下是《建國大業》的演員和他們現在的國籍 陳凱歌 美國 陳紅 美國 劉亦菲 美國 陳沖 美國 鄔君梅 美國 顧長衛 美國 蔣雯麗 美國 寧靜 美國 王姬 美國 郎朗 中國香港 李...

Despite China spending a fortune to promote an event entitled "Cinema China, Culture China" in New York, a movie about the birth of the PRC attracted no audience.

Not even staff from the event's organizer attended the screening of The Founding of a Republic at the Walter Reade Theater in New York's Lincoln Center on Monday. The affair has become the laughing stock of the Chinese media.

The event, organized by China's Ministry of Culture, Columbia University Libraries and Lincoln Center, is a five-day cinema festival from Oct. 17 to 22, celebrating the relationship between the United States and China from a cinematic and cultural perspective.

In addition to The Founding of a Republic, movies including Eternal Moment, The Piano in a Factory, The Blue Knight, Ocean Heaven and Bodyguards and Assassins will be screened.

The event has been poorly managed, with an opening cocktail party cancelled without notification. The ceremony was rescheduled for Tuesday at Columbia University.

A conference on Chinese films scheduled for Tuesday morning was also cancelled without members of the public being notified.

The Founding of a Republic is a 2009 epic made to mark the 60th anniversary of the PRC's founding and boasts a star-studded cast including Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi, Jackie Chan and Jet Li among a veritable who's who of Chinese cinema, though they clearly failed to be a big enough draw on this occasion.


The Founding of a Republic 建國大業

Eternal Moment 將愛情進行到底

The Piano in a Factory 鋼的琴

The Blue Knight 藍色騎士

Ocean Heaven 海洋天堂

Bodyguards and Assassins 十月圍城


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內 容 (選填項):
回國機票$360起 | 商務艙省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出爐:海航獲五星
海外華人福利!在線看陳建斌《三叉戟》熱血歸回 豪情築夢 高清免費看 無地區限制
一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
2010: “狗狗娃,學習都是次要的”,
2010: 轉個歌兒
2009: 32歲海歸博士在浙大跳樓自盡,照片在首
2009: 我為什麼帖恢復本聖經?
2008: 做個調查, 在美國的基督徒你們都準備選
2008: 主愛使我心滿足
2007: 一個基督教徒的心聲
2006: 紅妝:好男人是用來等的
2006: 沒藥山 - 胡振慶傳(1-3)