纽约联邦上诉法庭今天对“同性婚姻”的判决 |
送交者: gaolian 2012年10月18日17:21:37 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话 |
An appeals court in New York ruled on Thursday that a law defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman is unconstitutional. It was the second federal appeals court to reject the law, which could go before the Supreme Court soon. 纽约的联邦上诉法庭今天判决: 用 "一男一女" 来作为婚姻的定义违宪. 注意, 在我们讨论 “同性婚姻”这个问题时, 我对“同性恋”的定义是严格地指那 : “1-3% 的天生性取向变异者”, 请别把 “乱性”, “乱交”和 “性放荡”归入我们的讨论之中. 这后者我坚决反对, 不再多说了.
全文见下: http://news.yahoo.com/appeals-court-ny-rules-gay-marriage-law-unconstitutional-160159196.html |
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