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送交者: 新民 2002年02月20日08:53:21 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话


You left.

For good.

In a haste.

Did you bid farewell
and kiss one last kiss
to your soul mate
and fabulous four love children?

No longer
will you be able
to feed the young kids.

No longer
will you be able
to groom their feathers.

No longer
will you be able
to watch their taking more flights.

No longer
will you be able
to cuddle with the surviving.

You laid there
under the solemn vigil
of your expanded family.

Did you
exhaust yourself
to the point of death?

Had you
a bird flu incurable?

Might we
who are flu-stricken
have passed the virus to you?

Or perhaps
you have run
your full course of life.

But please,
take pride
in yourself.

At least
you have loved
and have begotten
four beautiful lads.

And you had time
to watch their hatching,
their firming up tender legs,
their coloring full-body feathers,
and their taking flight last night.

Rest in peace
and in assurance
that your family is being
taken care of.

Take flight
to the heavens
that you were born to go to
but never got the chance
until this morning.

Take flight
with my love.

Your human host and poet

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