might all rest well |
送交者: kunlunn 2008月10月23日11:48:40 于 [恋恋风尘] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 夏岩平: 回归青山的父亲(1) 由 夏岩平 于 2008-10-18 21:49:12 |
I come from the same areas as you do. it is heart touching reading your writings, the old generations are leaving us; the natural law is the base for all of us --- not to be in the illusion as if life goes on forever.... During this color-change season, especially for those of us living in the north, even with the comfort of living and professional work settings, it is the mode toughing time for this guy too. Take care....
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2007: | 爱情不能当饭吃 | |
2007: | 山村有棵相思柳 | |
2006: | ZT 金陵十三钗 (2) | |
2006: | ZT 金陵十三钗 (3) | |
2005: | 老伯新作之一:《一如往昔》(原唱:姜 | |
2005: | 夏志清先生访谈录 ZT | |
2004: | 来自学生的达观 | |
2004: | 给阿绣的第一万封情书(ZT) | |
2003: | 《岳阳楼记》与范仲淹 (ZT) | |
2003: | 一梦,请教高人 | |