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送交者: 重庆崽儿 2008月10月01日20:44:19 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 讲什么了给个林克看看? 由 麻衣神道 于 2008-10-01 20:41:40 |
美国人应该愤怒! 当美国国会准备考虑我们国家历史上最大的金融救市时,我要你知道,我将要表决对它说“不”。勤劳的德州纳税人在艾克飓风之后正努力重建家园,那些华尔街大亨轻率地赌输了自己的钱,凭什么让我们的纳税人为他们买单?那些人造成了今天的残局,他们应该为此负责,我们凭良心绝不应该把一张空白支票交到他们手里。 为华尔街交易商和投机商的糟糕政策支付7,000亿美元是荒谬和不负责任的!国会需要行使财政纪律和常识。 成千上万的东南德州人民正努力重拾生活,我们应该做的绝不是把要用卡车来装的那么多的钱倒入那些华尔街交易商的钱袋里。 我今天将投票反对这一蹂躏纳税人的法案,该法案分摊到每一个男人,妇女和儿童身上达$2500。我对这一建议很愤慨,并将继续斗争,以确保纳税人的钱被明智地使用,而不是漫不经心地挥霍掉。 美国的纳税人不应该,绝不能,更不允许被看作是华尔街大亨不端行为的保单。请和我一起呼吁所有当选的两党官员和领袖打击这一糟糕的政策。 此致 敬礼 尼克 蓝普森 (英文原稿) Americans should be furious! As Congress moves to consider the largest financial bailout in our nation's history I want you to know that I will be voting NO on this boondoggle. Hardworking, taxpaying Texans are struggling to rebuild their homes in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike, and I see absolutely no reason why they should front the bill for Wall Street tycoons who recklessly gambled away their money. We should not in good conscience hand over a blank check to those who are responsible for putting us in this mess. Repaying Wall Street traders and speculators $700 billion for bad policy is outrageous and irresponsible! Congress needs to exercise fiscal discipline and common sense. Tens of thousands of Southeast Texans are working to put their lives back together, and the last thing we should do is dump truck loads of taxpayer dollars into the wallets of erratic Wall Street traders. I will vote NO today on saddling taxpayers with this exorbitant bill which amounts to $2,500 for every man, woman and child. I am outraged at this proposal and will continue to fight to ensure that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely, not carelessly. The American taxpayer should not, must not, and cannot be viewed as an insurance policy for the misdeeds of Wall Street tycoons. Please join me in calling all elected officials and the leadership of both parties to fight against this bad policy. Sincerely, Nick Lampson Member of Congress |
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