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送交者: 重庆崽儿 2009月01月08日12:58:08 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 也就是最后两句被和谐了重庆崽儿 于 2009-01-08 12:56:57
"We sometimes forget that hard work is more important than talent. Last year
, Boston had hard work and they had talent. That’s why they ran through
everybody. I think we’re just as talented, but we have to work hard.
Sometimes we think Yao is just going to bail us out all the time, or me or
Tracy are going to bail us out. Sometimes Tracy thinks his talent is going
to take him. He can just cruise his way. But we got to work hard. Tonight,
we worked hard."
  我觉得说得挺好,切中要害 - 南天门 01/08/09 (154)
    真是搞不懂 - 重庆崽儿 01/08/09 (112)
      得有个成名的角色敲打敲打卖地。阿泰听合适 - 南天门 01/08/09 (102)
  火箭是女子篮球队,阿泰就是派来的洪长青. /无内容 - (99) 01/08/09 (122)
  更衣室问题大了 /无内容 - gobelieve 01/08/09 (107)
    让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧!  /无内容 - 重庆崽儿 01/08/09 (95)
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2008: 参加美国乒乓球全国锦标赛(后记)
2008: 红军被黄军羞辱后 - 决赛观感
2006: 美式足球的常见传球进攻战术
2006: 再谈对今年BCS BOWL的印象
2005: 橄榄球运动的玻璃天花板 - Norm Chow的
2005: 姚明打球已经失去当初的激情了
2004: 姚明/NBA第三轮预测一览表(目前为止)
2004: 来自俞斌的胜利(四)