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Who is the Rockets' leader?
送交者: (99) 2009月02月16日10:42:06 於 [競技沙龍] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 重慶崽兒: 敬業重慶崽兒 於 2009-02-16 06:57:25
A lack of leadership among the players has become an issue in Houston.

Tracy McGrady says the Rockets have several players who lead in different ways.

Shane Battier says the team has "a lot of voices."

Ron Artest believes every team needs one voice that is heard above the others. "I can't see it being multiple leaders," said Artest. "There can be multiple vets, but it will always be that one guy that's the leader because he's earned it throughout the season."

Who, then, is the Rockets' leader?

"That's not something appropriate for me to answer," Artest told Houston reporters. "I'll let you make your own judgment."
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