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送交者: 阿黛 2011年04月20日07:23:19 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话


Wonderworks is a museum that let's your mind be free and allows your imagination to run. Wonderworks is a great museum for people who like learning about science and enjoy hands on activities. But what's inside? Let's find out. 

Since I've been there once, I know the things I like so I'll give you the highlights of my trip. From the moment I walked in, I was amazed. When you step through the security thing that spins, you will see a tunnel. You walk into the tunnel and it's really cool because the walls are spinning and it makes you feel like you're about to tip over. Even though it feels like the tunnel is moving, it's just an illusion that makes your brain think you're tipping over which gives the effect. Once you step out of the tunnel, it makes you dizzy so if you have motion sickness, DO NOT ENTER. 

Another great thing Wonderworks has to offer is the magic show by Terry Evanswood.


Terry Evanswood is a very accomplished magician who won a magic award equal to an Oscar award. My favorite one of his tricks is when he appears to pull cards out of thin air. Its like he reaches out and just grabs some cards. Whatever tricks he performs, I'm sure it will amaze you.             

After the show, we bought a robe that he uses in show, his poster with his signature on, we even got chance to cheeeeeeeese with him.                                       

                         The Smoky Mountains

The Smoky Mountains are a section of the Appalachian Mountains. They get there name from the mist that blankets the top of the mountain which looks kind of like smoke. I went hiking there because I hoped to see a black bear which are really popular in that area.

To start the trip, we drove up most of the time which was kind of cheating but I didn’t feel like walking all 5000 feet up the mountain. We started near the top about half a mile from the peak.

From the moment I stepped onto the trail, I didn’t like it because the entire path was concrete. Usually, hiking trails are dirt not MANMADE. My friend Jesse and I walked up to the top first and there was a tower at the top that you could climb up. We trudged up the path to the top of the tower and sat down for a break. Down below us, the rest of our group was slowly catching up and we waved to them as they took pictures of us like a paparazzi.

Finally the parents got tired of taking pictures. We started going down the mountain because it was the end of the trail. This kid named Vincent claimed he would beat me down the mountain so I decided to race him. The adults told us the oxygen was thin up here so it would be hard to breathe but I didn’t really care. Anything to get down the mountain first so I sprinted half of the way down until I had a comfortable lead and walked the rest of the way. When we got to the bottom, my feet hurt and I was tired. I was ready to sleep.

                        Amusement Parks

Since Pigeon Forge is a big tourist attraction, there are a lot of rides and whatnot in the area. I, my friend Jesse and this kid Vincent went to a go cart place and a small park where I rode the scariest ride ever.

The go carts track was called the Wild Woody and I have to say it was kinda wild. I strapped myself into the go cart nervously and I checked my seatbelts again for the 4thtime. When the manager of the ride let us start, I pressed the gas pedal and my go cart kicked forward and I was off. I was right behind Vincent and Jesse was behind me. I felt like driving reckless so I swerved from side to side while keeping close to Vincent. I could hear the gunning of the engine behind me as I sped up just to tail Vincent. On the third lap or so, I saw Vincent slow down and then I saw the problem. There was a girl who was driving really slow and Vincent slowed so he didn’t crash in to her. I sped up and Vincent and I passed her almost simultaneously. As I began my next lap, I saw yellow lights blinking which meant it was time to slow down and drive back to the line of cars that was getting ready for the next group of people. I got out of the cart feeling good like I usually do and walked out of the gates. I was ready for the next park.

There were 3 rides called The Scary One, The Dizzy One, and The Awesome One. The Scary One was a swing that could seat four people; 2 on each side. Jesse and I sat on one end while Vincent sat on the other. I remember thinking that the bars holding us in were going to break while the swing did 180s on us. It swung back and forth and each time we went down, I felt like I was going to puke. Every ride has to end though and this one did. I slid to a halt but the women running the ride didn’t come over to unfasten our safety bars. Then I remembered. Our ticket was a buy one get one free. Oh, no!!!One more to go!  

I wasn’t really excited but I toughed it out. The ride started to swing again and it got higher with every motion. Finally we were at the peak and I could see for MILES to the ground. This time I couldn’t take it. I had to close my eyes just so I wouldn’t see what was going on but I could still feel the wind in my face as we pitched back down. Once again, every ride has to end and this one did AGAIN. As the ride slowed and eventually stopped, I got off and it felt like the world was swinging back and forth.                   


The next ride was a gyroscope that astronauts usually use before they go into space except for the fact that this one was manual. I volunteered to go first being that I was the bravest one and I strapped myself in to the thing. The ride started and the gyro started spinning in a circular motion. This is easy I thought and then it jerked me back which really made my stomach turn. No way was I chickening out so I gritted my teeth and held onto the bars for support the ride twisted and tumbled but I held on and survived. I stepped off the ride feeling like the world was spinning so it was swinging and spinning. I felt plain terrible so I sat down on a bench wishing I hadn’t done it at all.             



Log Cabins

When you go to the Smoky Mountains, it doesn’t feel right to sleep in a hotel. What we did was we rented a log cabin and it was in a nice little log cabin. The inside was pretty big and open. When I first walked in, I already liked it. 

There was a spiral staircase that led upstairs. I walked upstairs to go see it and it was a really nice open area with a bathroom, a king sized bed, and a bunk bed. I walked downstairs to the basement. There was a bunk bed and a full sized bed over there. There was also a door that led to a back porch with a grill which was pretty neat. On the first floor, there was a Jacuzzi that I was never going to use and a really tiny kitchen. 

Well, that was pretty much my trip. I would say it was about a 4.5 star trip so it was pretty good. Maybe we can go again sometime in the fall. I hope this piece satisfies the readers so I never have to do one again.

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